Shepherds of Haven (Chapter 5)
Please record the decisions for what you consider to be your canon (or first) playthrough. NOTE: If some routes are not currently complete, please choose the route you WOULD have chosen in an ideal run.
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Did you celebrate Wintersun? *
If you did not, why?
If you did celebrate, what fairy bread did you receive?
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If you did celebrate, who did you sit next to?
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While making camp at Drun, who did you accompany? *
When Ayla and Halek were arguing, what did you do? *
In Heth Macoll, were you able to get Ven to let you keep your weapons (on your first playthrough)? *
When meeting Briony, did you agree to do her a favor and let Nathe win your next fight? *
What was the outcome of your fight with Nathe? *
Who did you face in your second bout? *
If you fought the wyvern, what happened?
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If you fought Briony, what happened? [TEST VERSION, please input the results of your random placeholder simulation.]
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Were you able to get Tovrik to tell you how to lift the wards? *
What was Tovrik's ultimate fate? *
What was the fate of Thumma and the wards? *
What was the fate of the fifth Faceless Lord, Jarkyth? *
If Jarkyth was successfully and permanently destroyed, how was he defeated?
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If Jarkyth was successfully banished back to Hael, how was he defeated?
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What was the fate of the Western Hierophant, Talquist? *
Did the people learn the truth behind the blood sacrifices and rituals to the One-God? *
Other or miscellaneous comments (I love to read these!):
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