Hearing Board Member Application
Before applying, it is recommended that you visit the Variance Oversight Program website for  more information on the duties of the District's Hearing Board. https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/variance-oversight-program
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Name (Last, First) *
Phone Number *
Email: *
Mailing address. *
What position are you applying for?
What county do you live in?
What is your occupation?
Please explain your qualifications for consideration as a member of the Hearing Board. i.e. Active participation or education in matters relating to the environment and/or air quality.
Why would you like to be a member of the Hearing Board? What do you feel you can contribute?
Hearings are usually held during the day on a weekday. Would you be available for meetings at that time?
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Please add any other information that you feel would be helpful.
Do you have any questions?
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