So, you want to create and sell NFT's on NiftyPlanet?
To get started, please submit your Artist/Creator profile first.

We're currently reviewing applications for early access. We want to work with as many creators as possible, but we are only accepting a small number of artists and creators until our full launch.

Please complete this form and we will follow up as soon as we can. Don't worry, we review every single application, but it just may take us some time to get back to you.

* = Required Questions

Email *
What's your first and last name? *
What is your stage name or what artist(s) do you represent? *
What industry are you in (music, T.V., film, visual art, other)? *
Please provide links to your artist website, social media & portfolio accounts (you can also share a link to a google drive folder where we can see your work). *
What is your approximate reach among all of your social channels (followers, streams, etc)?
Please tell us what ideas you have for your NFT drops (exhibitions). What do you want to accomplish? (for example, do you want to give your fans access to rare or previously unavailable material, etc? If you don't have any idea, that's ok just say so! *
Where are you located? (country and time zone) *
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