SynBio4ALL - Intro Week 1 - Homework
This is the homework associated with Lecture 1 - What is Synthetic Biology? (see slides here).

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[EASY] What are the four major biomolecules? (list categories, not examples)
1 point
[EASY] Give the name of one amino acid.
1 point
[EASY] Define, in your own words, what a polymer is.
1 point
[EASY] Give the name of one important 3D structure of either DNA or RNA.
1 point
[MEDIUM] Describe, in your own words, why it is possible to make human insulin in E. coli, a kind of bacteria.
2 points
[MEDIUM] We have time in the final lecture to discuss topics selected by students. What is one topic related to synthetic biology that you would like us to discuss? For full credit, please explain why you think it’s a good topic.
2 points
[HARD] Some people consider Venus fly traps, a plant native to wetlands in North and South Carolina, to have powerful medicinal properties, and poaching has made it vulnerable to extinction. To protect this plant, describe how you would produce a valuable molecule from the fly trap in an engineered microbe, using the stories from class for guidance. (This can be an imaginary molecule, you do not need to name something specific.) To start, specify if your molecule is a small molecule (like artemisinin) or a protein (like insulin). [Full answers should be at least 2 sentences.]
5 points
[HARD] How and why did E. coli and S. cerevisiae become common cell types used in synthetic biology? A full answer should consider the history and biology of the organisms. Consider also defining what a “model system” is. [Full answers should be at least 2 sentences.]
5 points
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