Submit a Film for Inclusion on HUDSY TV
To be considered for inclusion on HUDSY TV, you or your piece must be directly connected to the Hudson Valley (you're from or live in the Hudson Valley, your film is about or shot in the Hudson Valley, etc.)

Please fill out the form below with the details of your piece that you would like to be considered for inclusion on HUDSY TV

If you have multiple piece of content, please FILL OUT ONE FORM FOR EACH PIECE. You only need to fill in the contact and bio information on the first form you submit.

PLEASE NOTE: Pieces submitted here will be reviewed and responded to on a quarterly basis. You will receive a response once the piece has gone through the approvals process.
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Email *
Company or Filmmaker Name *
Company Contact Person
Company Description or Filmmaker Bio (required)
Mailing Address (make sure to include address, city, state and zip)
Cell Phone Number (required)
Facebook link (if applicable)
Instagram link (if applicable)
YouTube link (if applicable)
Name of Piece (Title) *
What is the Piece's connection to the Hudson Valley? (ex: you are from or currently live in the Hudson Valley, the pieces was filmed in or is about something or someone in the Hudson Valley, etc.)
Short Description of Piece (140 Characters or less) *
Full Description of Piece (no character limit) - include all relevant info you would like (description, cast, crew, inspiration, etc.)
Do you own the rights to this piece of content? *
Duration (minutes) *
Release Date (if applicable)
Video Link (Vimeo/Youtube/etc.) *
Music Cue Sheet *
Choose one of the following *
If you chose #2 on the question above, what 48 hour rental price and purchase price do you currently charge to watch this piece? (please include a 48hr rental price and a purchase price)
Categories (choose all that apply, or enter your own in Other) *
County(s) Connected to the Project - this can be: where it was filmed, where content creator is from, where cast/crew are from, etc. (choose all that apply) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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