2023 AIBytes4You Virtual Events Signup!!
AIBytes4You will be hosting continuous events in 2024! This schedule in this form will be updated accordingly as new events and activities are released!

From Artificial Intelligence to addressing disparities in technology, stay tuned for our series taught by Gen-Z to promote computer science-related literacy among emerging leaders! Be prepared for workshops, technical projects, and you're training to revolutionize the future!!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Email(Please do not use school emails) *
Student's First and Last Name *
Parent's Email(Please do not use school emails) *
Parent's First and Last Name *
School Name, City, State: *
Grade or standard *
Please select the event of interest:

**Keep in mind that projects and programming related initiatives will be discussed at these meetings**
Do you consent to pictures/recordings/etc of the event that may be used for promotional purposes? *Please read the Waiver form here -https://tinyurl.com/AIBytes4You-Waiver *
Thank you for your registration! Check your email for Zoom meeting information!
The Zoom link and further information will be sent out to the email you entered in this Google Form! Make sure to check your email for updates! We look forward to seeing you at future AIBytes4You events.
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