Grocery Shopping and Meal Preparation Research Application Form
Topic: Grocery Shopping and Meal Prep 


The research will take place from December 9 to 13.  On December 9th, participants will sign in to Recollective, an easy-to-use online platform accessible through a web link or a free app. The first assignment will be written and video clip responses to several questions.  Around December 5-7, you will receive a new food product to try. We ask that you test it and share your feedback, including uploading photos and videos of you preparing a meal using this product, on Recollective. The entire process will take about an hour and can be completed at your convenience within the study period.

For your time and input, you will receive $125, with a chance to earn an additional $50 bonus. You will also have the opportunity to try a new product that we think will be fun/interesting for you.  Your responses will be kept confidential and used only for research purposes. 

*Please make sure all the answers you provide below are answered with only the most honest and accurate information. We pride ourselves in providing our clients with the best possible respondents for our project. If we find out the information you have provided is not accurate, you will be removed from our database and will not be asked to participate in future research studies with Honest Recruiting Services, LLC.

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Email *
Name (first and last): *
Age: *
Gender *
Which pronouns do you prefer to use for yourself? SELECT ONE RESPONSE.
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Phone Number: *
Which of the following best describes your Ethnicity? *
What is your Highest Level of Education? *
Which of the Following Best Represents your Household Income (parents income included if you live with them still)? *
Which of the following best describes your current relationship status? *
Are you currently…? *
Are you currently employed? If so, what is your current job title? *
Do you or does any member of your family or a close friend work for any of the following?   *
What STATE do you live in? *
What CITY do you live in? *
What COUNTY do you live in?
Have you, yourself, participated in any opinion or survey research in the past three months, specifically between early-July 2024 and today? SELECT ONE RESPONSE.
Considering all the market research studies you have done in the past year, what were the topic(s) you did research about?  
Which of the following best describes your involvement with decisions around what groceries to buy for your household?   
Which of the following best describes your involvement with decisions around what to cook for lunch and dinner for your household?   SELECT ONE RESPONSE.
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Do you have any food allergies? 

Which of the following, if any, have you purchased and used in the past month? Please indicate how often, if at all, you have purchased AND personally consumed the following products.


5+ times in the past month
4-5 times in the past month
2-3 times in the past month
0-1 times in the past month
Have used in the past 2-3 months, but not the past month
Do not use/rarely use this product
Shelf-stable pasta sauce in a jar or can that you heat and serve
Recipe or gravy mixes in a pouch or jar that you prepare by adding water and heating
Pasta or rice side dishes that you prepare by simmering on the stove top with water, butter and other ingredients of your choice
Noodle or rice cups that you prepare by adding hot water or adding water and microwaving the ingredients in the provided container
What brand or brands of pasta or rice side dishes have you used in the past month? Select all that apply
If you mentioned that you used rice sides in the past month?  What BRANDS (Rice-a-roni, Knorrs..,) and flavors (chicken, Spanish, Cheddar/broccoli, beef etc) of rice sides did you use? Please list all you have used in the past month.
What is you or your families favorite meal to cook at home? *
Do you have any children under the age of 18 living in your household? 
Are you currently scheduled to participate in any marketing research studies? 

This project will use the Recollective online market research platform.  Recollective is a free platform that can be used online via a weblink or via a free app that you can download on your phone or portable device. The online assignments will require no more than 1 hour of your time, and will run December 9-14. If you complete all of the activities in the online platform, you will be compensated $125 and will have the opportunity to win bonuses for up to an additional $50 for providing on-time, complete and thoughtful responses.  

If selected, do you agree to complete all assignments, as described above?
Clear selection

If selected, Are you willing and able to record and upload video of yourself as you are cooking in order to participate in this research?  This includes setting up your phone on a tripod (which will be provided to you) and using the test product (which will be shipped to you).

How did you hear about this opportunity? *
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