If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you their heart. -Cesar Chavez.
Si realmente quieres hacer un amigo, ve a casa de alguien y come con él... la gente que te da su comida te da su corazón. -Cesar Chavez.
Pick up free healthy foods for all the youth in your family. Please complete registration prior to picking up. **Please note, to be eligible to receive a healthy food bag there must be youth in your household under the age of 18.
Recoga alimentos saludables gratis para todos los jóvenes en su familia. Por favor complete el registro antes de recoger. **Por favor nota, para ser elegible para recibir una bolsa de alimentos saludables tiene que tener jóvenes en su hogar menores de 18 años.