Open Letter to The Game Awards

Dear Emily Bouchoc, Geoff Keighley and the whole The Game Awards team,

We are writing you this letter as members of the Game Awards Future Class, supported by our peers in the industry. In the past years, you’ve selected us to represent the future of the game industry. You didn’t choose us as symbols of what the game industry currently is, but of what it could be: a diverse, inclusive and caring workplace. A positive force in the world that can influence billions of people. We want to sincerely thank you for the trust you extended when nominating us.

Today, we’d like to honor that trust. You gave us the role of ambassadors of a better future – as such, our duty towards you and all the players world-wide compels us to speak up.

The genocide that is being acted on the Palestinian people is abhorrent. It isn’t a new situation, but the developments that are currently unfolding have reached a new high in their horror. On November 6th 2023, the United Nations Secretary-General Antònio Guterres reported:

Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children. Hundreds of girls and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day.  More journalists have reportedly been killed over a four-week period than in any conflict in at least three decades. More United Nations aid workers have been killed than in any comparable period in the history of our organization.

We invite you to please read the full statement on the United Nation’s website.

Like many of our peers, we are appalled by the war crimes the Palestinian people are victims of, and we grieve the loss of so many civilian lives. Adding to that pain, is the knowledge that our industry is playing a role in this.

Indeed, the Genocide Watch outlines that a crucial step to enable a genocide is the widespread dehumanization of its victims. Several game developers and journalists including Alex A.K, Fouad Dakwar, Meghna Jayanth, Osama Dorias, Rami Ismail, Saniya Ahmed, Nadia Shammas and many others have called out how a hugely influential game industry systematically produces works that dehumanize and vilify Muslims, Arabs, and the many brown and black people living in the regions of South-West Asia and Northern Africa (SWANA).

Yet, when Meghna Jayanth wanted to address that in her speech at the Golden Joysticks Awards this year, she was urged to keep silent.

With the current state of the game industry, silence is a message.

Silence is tacit support.

Silence is dehumanization of Palestinian lives. 

As members of the Game Awards Future Class and members of the industry, we are urging The Game Awards to break that silence. We are asking for a statement to be read out in our name during The Game Awards Ceremony on December 7th, which calls for
1. The games industry to invest resources and work against its systematic dehumanization of people from South-West Asia and North Africa;
2. To express support for the protection of Palestinian human rights;
3.  Call for a long term ceasefire before any more civilian lives are unjustly taken.

When you trusted us to be champions of a better future, you gave us the duty to tell you when and how you could do better. Now that we did, we dearly hope that you can commit to that better future.

Thank you so much for reading us.
Signatures (scroll down to sign)
3078 total signatures.

Abhi, TGA Future Class, Write/Designer Of Venba
Aderyn Thompson (formerly: Cherry), TGA Future Class, Accessibility Design Lead
Aimee Hart, TGA Future Class, Gayming Magazine, Editor In Chief
Aleksandra Korabelnikova, TGA Future Class
Alyssa Askew, TGA Future Class, Producer
Anna C. Webster, TGA Future Class
Aria Bonczek, TGA Future Class, That’s No Moon Senior Animation Engineer
Ashley "Ash" Poprik, TGA Future Class
Ashraf Abi Said, TGA Future Class, Founder Of Khaddit Beirut's Gaming Academy
Atiya Nova, TGA Future Class
Blessing Adeoye, TGA Future Class
Camila Gormaz, TGA Future Class, Co-Founder Of This I Dreamt
Chantal Ryan, TGA Future Class, Director Of We Have Always Lived In The Forest And Director Of The Women Leaders In Games Network
Charlotte Fries, TGA Future Class, Game Designer At New Tales
Chella Ramanan, TGA Future Class
Chris Kindred, TGA Future Class, Narrative Designer
Cinzia Musio, TGA Future Class, Code Coven
Derek Lieu, TGA Future Class
Derrick Fields, TGA Future Class, Founder Of Waking Oni Games
Dianna Lora, TGA Future Class, TGA Future Class
Dora Klindžić, TGA Future Class, Principal Writer
Dr. JC Lau, TGA Future Class, Senior Producer
D’Juan Irvin, TGA Future Class
Elaine Gómez, TGA Future Class, Cofounder, Latinx In Gaming/Senior Gameplay Designer, Worlds Untold
Farah Coculuzzi, TGA Future Class, Producer
Felice Tzehuei Kuan, TGA Future Class, Narrative Director, Deck Nine Games
Florence Smith Nicholls, TGA Future Class, Knives & Paintbrushes
Glen Henry, TGA Future Class
Hannah Nicklin, TGA Future Class, Die Gute Fabrik, CEO & Creative Director
Indrani Ganguly, TGA Future Class, Studio Head Of Duronto Games, Co-Founder Of Desis & Dragons
Iris Zhang, TGA Future Class
Ivan Phelan, TGA Future Class
Jade Leamcharaskul, TGA Future Class, Composer, Audio Producer
Jarryd Huntley, TGA Future Class, Lead Programmer
Jeryce Dianingana, TGA Future Class
Jes Negrón, TGA Future Class, Creative Director, RETCON Games
Jess Tompkins, TGA Future Class
Jessica Cheng, TGA Future Class
Jonathan Tang Ziyi, TGA Future Class, Community Leader, Game Programmer
Kahlief Adams, TGA Future Class, Owner, Spawn On Me LLC
Kaitlin Tremblay, TGA Future Class
Kallie Plagge, TGA Future Class
Kate Dollarhyde, TGA Future Class
Kathryn Yu, TGA Future Class
Khee Hoon Chan, TGA Future Class, Freelance Journalist
Kyra Wills-Umdenstock, TGA Future Class, EGD Collective
Leela Collins, TGA Future Class
Lisette Montgomery, TGA Future Class, Cornerstone Interactive
Maize Wallin, TGA Future Class, Game Workers Australia Convenor
Malek Teffaha, TGA Future Class, Senior Manager, Project Management Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility
Mary Kenney, TGA Future Class
Masao Kobayashi, TGA Future Class
Mashfiq Ahmed, TGA Future Class, Teacher
May Wong, TGA Future Class, Lead Designer At INT./NIGHT
Melissa Moorehead, TGA Future Class
Melissa Ramsden, TGA Future Class, Senior Technical Game Designer At Phoenix Labs
Michael Luckett, TGA Future Class, TGA '21 Future Class, MikeTheQuad
Mik Minier, TGA Future Class, Innersloth
Miranda Due, TGA Future Class
Mourad El-Dine Abdou, TGA Future Class
Natalie Flores, TGA Future Class
Nick Kaman, TGA Future Class, Studio Head, Aggro Crab
Nikki Crenshaw, TGA Future Class, Associate Principal User Researcher At Blizzard Entertainment
Noor Amin, TGA Future Class
Nuha Alkadi, TGA Future Class
Rachel Kowert, TGA Future Class, TGA Future Class
Rejon Taylor-Foster, TGA Future Class
Samantha Low, TGA Future Class, Freelance Journalist, Marketing Consultant, Streamer
Sarah Makdad, TGA Future Class
Sherry Toh, TGA Future Class, Journalist And Disability Representation Consultant
Sophie Azlan, TGA Future Class, TGA Future Class 2022, Game Developer, Journalist, Lecturer
Stacey Jenkins, TGA Future Class, Accessibility Design Specialist
Steph McStea, TGA Future Class, TGA Future Class
Steve Saylor, TGA Future Class, TGA Future Class / Accessibility Consultant
Su Liu, TGA Future Class
Tanya DePass, TGA Future Class, Senior Writer, Monolith Productions
Victoria Tran, TGA Future Class, Innersloth
Vijay Gill, TGA Future Class, Producer
Younès Rabii, TGA Future Class, Knives & Paintbrushes
ZW Buckley, TGA Future Class
Zack Hartzman, TGA Future Class, Teacher
Zaire N. Lanier, TGA Future Class

A Alexander Brazie, CEO, Atomech LLC
A. Coget, Senior Software Engineer
AP Thomson, Independent Developer, Hexecutable
Aarav Puri
Aaron Abendroth
Aaron Demlow
Aaron Lim
Aaron M
Aaron Shack, Palestinian Content Creator/Musician
Aashiek Parker
Abbas Ridzuan
Abd El Rahaman Shehata
Abdelbari Bouklab, Software Engineer
Abdelbaste Eltrach, VEX - CEO
Abdelrahman Hussein, Phantasm Solutions, Business Developer
Abdelrahman Melhem
Abdelrahman Soliman
Abdul Banglee
Abdul-Rahim Shahid
Abdulaziz Alghamdi, Game Developer
Abdulaziz Tawfiq
Abdulghani Fawaz, Animator, Heart Machine
Abdullah Ahmed, Game Designer
Abdullah Hamed, Unity
Abdullah Karam, Path Out
Abdullah Mushtaq
Abigail K
Abigail Shannon
Abram Buehner
Abrar Aldoujaily
Ace Luke
Achille Demetrios Besse, Synoid
Adam Abou-Nasr, Media Academic And Game Journalist
Adam Dolin, Writer And Narrative Designer
Adam Esat, 3D Character Artist
Adam Lee, Freelance Video Producer
Adam Mercer
Adam Nield, Switchboard Studios
Adam Riches, Director, Robust Games
Adam Riddle
Adam Smith, UC Santa Cruz Department Of Computational Media
Adam Vincent, Animation Design Director
Adam Volker
Adamarys Aguilera
Adamos Alas
Addison Standley, Game Designer
Addison Stevens
Adeel Khan, Accountant
Adel Adam
Adelaide Williams, Game Producer
Aden Amador
Adnan Jabbado
Adri Ahmad Bin Adlan, Lemon Sky Studios, Digital Content Producer
Adria Grayham, Environment Artist
Adrian Campos
Adrian Clevinger, 3D Envitonment Artist At Don't Nod
Adrian Dubois
Adrian Torres Jimenez
Adrian Walker, Lead Developer At VisionBreak, LLC
Adriana Rodriguez
Adriel X, Game Artist
Adrien Béguin
Adrien Scott Lewis
Adrienne Benjamin
Adrià Sampé, Game Designer
Adrián López Regaliza, Journalist
Aedan Idres, Project Manager Diversity And Inclusion At Ubisoft
Aenne Schumann, Narrative Designer
Afiyah Beauchamp
Afonso Ferreira
Agatha Selby
Aharonit Elior, Animator
Ahmad Abdullah, 3D Artist
Ahmad Hassan, Co-Founder RespawnFirst
Ahmad Husein
Ahmad Shaar, Electrical Engineer
Ahmad Zaher Alhafi, Game Developer
Ahmad, SB
Ahmar Rana, Producer
Ahmed Abdel
Ahmed Abdelrahman Mohamed
Ahmed Altunisi
Ahmed Amir, Sudanese Game Collective
Ahmed Bassuoni
Ahmed El-Badawi
Ahmed Gamal
Ahmed Imad Alshalchi
Ahmed Kamal
Ahmed Khalifa, Institute Of Digital Games
Ahmed Mo'nis, Indie Game Developer
Ahmed Mostafa Ahmed Shaban, Game Developer And Designer
Ahmed Qutb, Subtitler/Translator
Ahmed Salama
Ahmed Shaaban Mekkawi
Ahmed Yousry, Arab Hardware
Ahmed Zahran
Ahren Foreman, Independent Game Designer
Aidan Davies
Aidan Michael Wong, Narrative Designer/Writer
Aidan Nabass
Aiden Strawhun, US Creator Engagement Specialist, Ubisoft
Aimee Jenesse
Aimee Negron
Aisosa Ugiagbe
Aiyuu, Amorous Ursidae
Ajay Singh Chaudhary, Executive Director, Brooklyn Institute For Social Research
Ajmeri Haaris
Akram Mohamed, Iam In Egypt
Alabhya Maheshwari, Software Test Engineer
Aladar Apponyi
Alain Puget, Alkemi
Alan Au
Alan Hazelden, Draknek
Alan Wen, Games Journalist
Alana Hagues
Alana Young, Games Writer
Alanna Smith, Co-Founder, DnA Creative
Albertine Watson
Albey Amakiir
Alec Asperslag
Alec S, AIE Game Design Student
Alejandro Bielsa Martín, Character Technical Artist
Alejandro González Ortiz
Alejandro Ruiz Del Sol
Alejandro Sala
Alessandra "Psamathes" Cognetta
Alessandra Sprugel
Alessandra Van Otterlo
Alessandro Fillari
Alessandro La Monica
Alex Abou Karam, Co-Owner, Soft Not Weak
Alex Albright
Alex Beaty, Narrative Designer, Journalist, Content Creator
Alex Camilleri
Alex Chapman
Alex Davis, Freelance Artist
Alex Fischer
Alex Flint
Alex Hnatiuk, Puke&Guts
Alex J. Sandoval
Alex James Kane
Alex Kanaris-Sotiriou, Creative Director, Polygon Treehouse
Alex Kane, Founder, Pawsmonaut Games
Alex Lawson, Senior Systems Designer At Bungie
Alex Markovits
Alex May, Senior Programmer, The Chinese Room
Alex Perrott
Alex Puncekar
Alex Rodriguez
Alex Scokel
Alex Silverman
Alex Smith
Alex Wilson (Lex Wilson)
Alexander Dracott, Creative Director At Ironwood Studios
Alexander Zilbersher, Gameplay Engineer
Alexandra Borrero, Senior QA Tester
Alexandra Day, PA At Dreamfeel
Alexandra Hall, Senior Editor, Kotaku
Alexandra Orlando, Community Manager At Kitfox Games
Alexandre Bobe, Composer & Sound Designer
Alexandre Lhuillier, Game Developer
Alexandre Pretto Nunes
Alexandre Sai, Game Designer At Ubisoft
Alexandre Serex, Mocap Pipeline Programmer
Alexandria VanZomeren
Alexei Pepers, Senior System Designer
Alexey Drobyshevsky, Owlcat Games, CTO
Alexia Hernandez
Alexis Chevalier, President At Better With Dragons
Alexis Dean-Jones, Animator
Alexis Joystick
Alexis Le Page
Alexis Ong
Alexis Roca, Game Designer
Alexis Trust, Product Lead @ Chucklefish
Alexzander Mercier
Aleyna M.E., Student Game Designer At BAU
Alfie Kerr
Alfonso Gómez Aguirre, Codirector At Bilbao International Games Conference
Ali Abbas
Ali Al-Sahi, Arab Gamers United (co-founder)
Ali Azad, College Student
Ali Behrooz
Ali Boroumand, Black Cube Games
Ali Kedwaii
Ali Mamdouh
Ali Mehrez, Co-founder, LIVA Interactive
Ali Mohamed Barakat, College Student
Ali Nagori
Ali Sezgin
Alice G, QA For Life
Alice Rehfeldt, Riot Games
Alicia Fortier
Alicia Poon, Indie Game Dev
Alif Harsan Pradipto
Alina Qureshi, Gameplay Programmer
Alina Sheikh
Alison Derolez, Game Producer
Alistair Grant
Allen Roman
Allie Ast, Sundew Studios
Allie Eibeler, Consumer Products At Bungie
Allisa James
Allya Matisa, UI Artist
Alvi Frémont-Prauda, Student @IIM
Alyssa Harrison, Producer
Alyssa Hayes
Alyssa Morris
Alyssa Shotwell, Journalist At The Mary Sue
Amal Saeed
Amanda Meyer
Amanda Tien, Editor, The Punished Backlog
Amandeep Singh Malhi, Game Designer
Amari Harkness
Amber Williamson
Amber-Leigh Blake
Ame Searle
Ameer Adel Rabai, Medical Doctor
Amelia Zollner
Ami Cai, NYU Game Center
Amila Nuhodzic, Producer At Moon Candy
Amin BenArfa
Amine Sahnoune
Amir Mes
Amir Shareak
Amir Yacoub
Ammar Khan, Software Development
Amos Wilksch
Amph Rubio
Amr Ahmed Mohamed
Amr Hamed, Gameplay Programmer
Amram Gainer, No Organization/fan
Amy Hendricks
Amy Kate Alexander
Amy Liu, Innersloth
Amy Parent, Simulation Programmer
Amy-Leigh Shaw, Writer & Narrative Designer
Amélie Robillard, DevTester At Ubisoft
Ana Martinez, Technical Artist
Ana Morales
Ana Rollán
Anas Albasyuni, Architect
Anas Shahid, Student
Anaël Mae
Anda Bee Miller, Game Designer
Anders Lønning, Editor In Chief
Anderson Sales Torres, ARVORE
Andi Santagata, Slasher U/solo Dev
Andre Macedo Costa De Oliveira
Andrea Karlsson
Andrea Lucco Borlera, Game Developer
Andrea Shearon, Associate Editor, Destructoid
Andreia Gonçalves
Andrew Albert
Andrew Buczacki, Senior Game Designer
Andrew Carl
Andrew Chepega, Game Designer
Andrew Dunne
Andrew Eaton
Andrew Elmore, Visual Designer & Composer (Prev. Bungie)
Andrew Ferguson, Ludum Darlings
Andrew Fray, BAFTA Winning Lead Programmer
Andrew Grabowska, Sound Designer
Andrew Green
Andrew Hinson
Andrew Hynes, Dreamfeel Games
Andrew King
Andrew Li
Andrew Murdoch, Gameplay Programmer
Andrew P
Andrew Sianez-De La O
André Luiz Lima Dantas Filho
André Pascual, Game Programmer
Andy Arby, Director At Cable Two
Andy Cortez, Content Creator At Kinda Funny
Andy Matthews
Aneshka Torres Ruiz
Angel Gomez Alegria, Translator Temp At Sega
Angel Tan
Angela Chow
Angela Geiss, Sound Designer
Angelica Mathis
Angus Law, Freelance Journalist
Anisa Sanusi, Limit Break Mentorship
Anish Reddy
Anize Amestoy, Sound Designer At Seed By Seed
Anna Brandberg, Lead UX Designer, The Outsiders
Anna G
Anna Latchman
Anna Megill
Anna Moreno
Anne Méthot, Producer
Anne Van Der Zanden, Senior Community Manager
Anne Villota
Anni Valkama, Brand Manager
Anniemay Parker, Narrative Designer
Annis Saniee, Foreteller, LoFi VGM Producer
Anora Albert, Technical Designer, Bungie
Anthony Beanes, Hidden Variable/Social Media Video Editor
Anthony Favier, Writer And Reviewer At And
Anthony Finch, Game Developer
Anthony Jauneaud, Actezéro
Anthony Tan
Anthony Vaccaro
Antoine Clavreul, Senior Gameplay Programmer At Ubisoft
Antoine De Barros, UX Designer
Antoine Palanque, Ubisoft
Antoine Ramo, Narrative Designer
Antoine Rey, Game Designer
Antoine Sarrazin, Senior Game Designer
Antoine Zakrzewski, Music Composer
Antoinette Chable, Narrative Writer
Anton Roy
Antoni Hawk
Antonia Gates, Games Producer
Antonin Demeilliez, Seed By Seed
Antonin G, Ubisoft
Antonio Miceli
Antony Ahmed
Antti Seppänen
Antía Goberna Pérez
Anwar Rizziq, Aspiring Game Designer
Aoife Gleeson
Arc Reads
Areeb Husain, Post-Production Supervisor
Areeb Islam
Areeba Irfan, Student
Ares Cainzos Manuel, PR Manager At Jaleo Media
Ari Velazquez, Senior Game Designer At Blankhans
Arianna Ravioli, Game Designer At Rockstar Games
Ariel Sturgis, Junior Game Artist
Armel Gibson, Game Designer, Skeleton Business
Arran Seaton, Senior Designer
Arron Johnson
Arthur Saffo
Artur Henrique Da Costa Pinto
Artur Pinheiro, Game Developer
Artur Shibaev, Game Designer
Arturo Barbosa, Game Programmer
Arundell Marleine, Game Designer Indépendant / Student
Arundhati Sriraman
Arvind Kumar, Game Programmer
Arvydas Brazdeikis Aka Arvy, Lead UI/UX Designer
Aryo Darmawan
Arzhel Bauer
Aría Guðlaug Jónsdóttir, Engineer At Radical Forge
AsaNanica GreenRiver, Borderline Entertainment
Ash Norsidi
Ashe O'Hawkes, Indie
Asher King
Ashlee Flowers
Ashleigh Klein, Contributing Writer
Ashley Cancro
Ashley Casarrubias
Ashley Cooper, Senior Writer
Ashley Gambino
Ashley Lawrence
Ashley Nicollette, Marketing & Community Director
Ashley Reddy
Ashley Ringrose
Ashly B. Trinidad
Ashlynn Smithson
Asif Siddiqui, Animator
Asmui Faiz, Over Yonder Studio, Head Of Creative
Astrid Refstrup
Astride Couillaux
Ata Sergey Nowak, Managing Director Of Torpor Games
Athena Reynolds, EfanGamez
Atou Ngoh
Augustus Sirbu
Aura Triolo, Animation Lead
Auri O’Neill, Irrational Passions
Aurélien Thazet, Associate Producer At Bandai Namco
Austin Humes
Austin Kelmore, Chair, IWGB Game Workers Union
Austin Laimos, Junior Programmer
Austin Senior
Austin Walker
Autumn Greenley
Autumn Laube
Autumn Pak
Ava Pek, Exodrifter, Indie Developer
Ave Kaye
Avion Foster-Jarvis
Axel Bosso, Journalist
Axel Hassen Taiari
Aymar Azaizia, Transmedia Director
Ayo Norman-Williams
Azzedine Garouche, Game Developer
Aïdam Caleb
Bahiyya Khan, Game Developer And Writer
Balqis Rahman, Senior Concept Artist
Bara Salah, Developer
Barbera Boone
Bart De Vos, Lead Animator At Great Ape Games
Basil Wright, Game Designer & Sensitivity Consultant (Freelance)
Bastien Lepesant, AI Programmer At Kylotonn
Batu Aytemiz, Research Scientist,
Batuel Saleh
Bea Dimaunahan, Consumer Insights Researcher At Electronic Arts
Bean Leveille, Dev Tester, Ubisoft
Becky Saunders, Producer
Bee Renfrow
Belinda Garcia-Maguid, Game Writer/Narrative Designer
Belle Linford
Ben Abraham, Founder, AfterClimate
Ben Allen
Ben Armstrong, Awesome Black, Head Of Gaming
Ben Driehuis, Lead Programmer, Uppercut Games
Ben Flavell, Indie Developer
Ben Hale, Environment Artist At Unknown Worlds
Ben McInnes, Project Lead At Nerial
Ben Nadler, Associate Art Director At That's No Moon
Ben Pegoni
Ben Prunty
Ben Seavello, Audio Designer
Ben Simpson
Ben Sironko, Co-Founder, Common Opera
Ben Wilson
Benjamin "Linker" Maksym
Benjamin Ford
Benjamin Harbakk, Stealcase Harbakk
Benjamin Hubner
Benjamin Mouret, Technical Director Of Art At Ubisoft
Benji Kay, Senior Game Developer, GoldFire Studios
Bennett Acres
Berkley Staite, Level Designer
Berrak Nil Boya, Audio Systems Designer
Berrane Bilal
Bert McDowell
Beytullah Arkhaniir Ünal
Bianca Gomba, Community Manager
Bianca M, Freelance Artist
Bianca Poroliseanu
Bilal Arshad, Lead Narrative Designer
Bilal Khan, Platform Engineer At Capgemini
Bilel Saadaoui
Billy Dent
Bisher Dokkmak
Blade Osborn
Blake Dove, Communications And Marketing Specialist
Blaze Shiell
Blue Coward
Boldizsár Vályi, Primal Game Studio / Junior Programmer
Boliko Edjidjimo
Bracken Hall
Brad Flick, Design Director, Evening Star
Bradley Dawn
Brady Soglin
Branden McCarthy, Audio Engineer
Brandon Eiler
Brandon Gilligan, Game Corner
Brandon Gonzales, Gameplay Programmer At Squanch Games
Brandon Knutson
Brandon Meyer, Software Engineer
Brandon Orden
Brandon Rodrigues, QA Analyst
Braydon Beaulieu, Narrative Designer
Breana Fleischer-Djoleto, Comic Artist
Bren Scarllo
Brendan George
Brendan Hesse
Brendan McLeod
Brenden Cameron, Game Designer
Brent Disbrow, Game Director
Breogan Hackett, Game Designer
Bri Williams
Bria Davis, Young Horses
Brian Altano, Executive Producer Of Creative & Talent At IGN
Brian Bucklew
Brian Keschinger, Lead Technical Game Designer, Respawn Entertainment
Brian Kwek
Brian M
Brian S. Chung
Brian Shea
Brian Sheehan
Brian Shingles, Lead Gameplay Programmer
Brian Stewart, Principle Engineer
Brian Vidovic, Senior Game Designer, Respawn Entertainment
Brianna Chew, Artist At Dreamfeel
Briar Sovereign, Lead Game Designer, Gears For Breakfast
Bridget Vogtman
Bridie Roman, Devolver Digital - Senior Producer
Brittany Shine
Brittany Spurlin
Bruna Domingos, Game Designer At Rogue Snail
Bruna Sofia Sosa Gatto, 2d Artist
Bruno Adell
Bruno Antonio Alves Veloso
Bruno Dias, Lead Designer, Failbetter Games
Bruno Laverny, Marketing Director - Ishtar Games
Bruno Yonezawa, Games Journalist & Editor
Bryan Depuy
Bryanna Menard, Independent Dev / LCAD Game Design MFA Graduate (4.0)
Bryant Aberin
Bryce Bucher, Indie Dev
Brynmor Richards, Community Manager
Bunny Prellwitz
Bárbara Oliveira, Videogame Development Student
C.T. Matthews, Senior Programmer
CJ Melendez, Senior PR Account Director
Caelan Barker
Caelan Pollock, Aggro Crab
Caelus McKeel
Caelyn Sandel
Cailín Grace Brown, Worker-Owner At Unseelie, Member At IWGB Game Workers
Caio Ramaglio
Cale Callin
Caleb Ward
Callie Browning
Callum Agnew, Freelance Journalist
Callum Deery, Games Researcher
Callum Rakestraw
Callum Underwood, Director, Uwu Advisory
Callum Williams, Freelance Journalist
Cam Perry, Game Designer
Camara Nettleton
Camerata Robinson, QA Tester
Cameron Hawkins
Cameron Pinard
Cameron Ray
Cameron Robertson-Bloom
Cameron Ward, Cam's Eye View (writer, Podcast Cohost, Podcast Editor)
Cameron Wardlaw, Video Producer, Voxel Smash
Camille Boulc’h, User Researcher At Ubisoft
Camille Coq
Camille Huynh
Camille Moreau, Collectif Mauvaises Herbes
Camron Gonzalez, Narrative Designer
Candace DeBacker, Principal Animator
Candice Giles
Carl Sjölander, Rockstar Games
Carla Gabriela Vargas, OiCabie, Game Designer, Character Designer, Programmer, Tech Artist
Carlo Di Benedetto, Art Student
Carlos Alexis Jiménez Pineda, The Epic Network, Journalist
Carlos Cabreira Sánchez, Ubisoft
Carlos Cruz
Carlos Eduardo De Souza Rodrigues
Carlos Garcia-Perez
Carlos García De La Filia Grupeli
Carlos Vicedo
Carly Auyong, Animator
Carmen Maria Marin, Freelance Cultural Consultant, Sensitivity Editor & Story Writer
Caroline G, Technical Artist
Caroline Marchal, CEO/Creative Director At Interior/Night
Caroline Porter
Caroline Spinks
Caroline Zeghibe
Carolyn Jong, Game Artist
Carrie Witt
Cas Witor
Casey Billadeau, Independent
Casey Crook
Casey Gimlin, Concept Artist
Casey Malone, Game Designer
Casey Paulson
Casimir Kuusela, Equality Officer At Game Makers Of Finland
Cassandra Campbell
Cassandra Pickering
Cassandra Sideridis, Student In Game Design
Cassia Riordan, Gameplay Programmer
Cassidy Pasley, Free Palestine
Cassie Chui, Game Designer
Cassie Jade Kelleher-Western
Cassie Limozin
Cassie White
Cat S P Bussell
Catherine B
Cathy Trang, Senior Designer
Cecilia Hines
Cel Cottrell, Founder, Black Card Members Creative Community
Celesti Whispers, Sound Designer
Cesar Magana, Associate Quality Designer
Chabane Maidi, Lecturer Game Programming
Chad Rhiness
Chad Toprak, Screen Australia
Chakib Mataoui, Programmer & Union Rep. At Ubisoft Paris Studio
Chandana Ekanayake, Outerloop Games
Charlene Burbidge, Partner/Art+Design, Samobee Games
Charlene Putney
Charles Haley
Charles Hankins, Lead Programmer At Tic Toc Games
Charles Hartford,
Charlie Wacholz, Journalist, Freelance
Charlie Webb, Narrative Design Lead, PlayStation London Studio
Charlie Young
Charlotte Couder, Level Designer
Charlotte Earney, Game Assist
Charlotte Racioppo, Producer
Charmaine Duff, Women-led Games
Chel Wong
Chelsea Jones
Chelsea Reed, Video Editor, IGN
Cher Scarlett
Cheyenne Jessamy
Chiko Muvavarirwa
Chirag Machhar, Technical Audio Designer
Chiril Russu
Chloé Llorens
Chloé Stawski, Storyboard & 2D Artist At Ubisoft
Chris Allen
Chris Bratt, People Make Games
Chris Brown, Technical Producer
Chris Dike, 3D Animator
Chris George
Chris Goff
Chris Kettle-Frisby, Games Design Teacher
Chris Kopcow
Chris L
Chris Lusco, QA Tester
Chris Narchi, Senior Character Artist
Chris Patrick, PR Manager At Player Two PR
Chris Pereira
Chris Pioli
Chris Proctor, Senior Design Lead
Chris Rios, Test Lead At Bungie
Chris Schilling
Chris Sosnowski, Designer At Insomniac Games
Chris Vasquez
Chris Wanstrath, Null Games
Chris Yearn, Animator
Christa Paolucci
Christiaan Moleman
Christian DeCoster
Christian MacNeill
Christian Orellana
Christian Petersen
Christian Scandariato, Game Designer
Christian Sparks
Christina Antoinette Neofotistou, Lead UI Artist At Minecraft
Christina Pollock
Christine Ellis
Christopher "Techokami" Trumbour
Christopher Christensen
Christopher Hunter
Christopher J. Teuton, Game Designer, Filthy & Free Publishing
Christopher Jacob Hyder, Humanity
Christopher Meier
Christopher Morrow, Independent, Creative Lead
Christopher Quay, Art Director, Wraith Games
Christopher W.Clark, QA Tester At  Bethesda
Christopher Wulf
Christopher Yun, Technical Artist
Ciara Creagh-Peschau
Ciaran Roberts, Six To Start, Producer
Ciccone Cooper
Cill Narain
Claire Leslie
Claire Monaghan
Clara Molina, Brainwash Gang
Clare Whincup
Claude Jerome, Lead Gameplay Designer
Claudio Canfora
Claudio De Sa
Clement Plantier
Cliff Malbrough
Clint Morrison, Jr
Clémence Nogrix, Ubisoft Québec
Clément Bournel, Freelance Translator
Clément Holmenschlager, Associate Lead GD At Kylotonn
Clément Vayer
Cody Neff
Colby Hocking
Cole Jefferies, ColePowered Games
Cole Piercy
Coleman Gailloreto, Brasslark Press
Colin Ferguson, Test Automation Engineer
Colin Magerle
Colin Schulte, Hobbyist Indie Dev
Collin MacGregor, Associate World Designer At Bungie
Colton Malcolm
Conall Barrett, Designer
Conner McCabe, Super NPC Radio Founder And Podcast Host
Connie McGinnis
Connor Bridson, Co-director, Atawhai Interactive
Connor Nichols, Owner Of Seafoam Gaming
Connor Rifenbery
Connor Thomas Cleary, Writer And Narrative Designer
Connor Wolf
Corey Brickley, Illustrator
Corey Brotherson, Writer / Narrative Designer
Courtlandt Ward
Courtney Millman, 3D Character Artist , Singularity 6
Craig D
Crisley Maihana Campagnolli, Vfx Artist
Cristian Guzman, Technical Game Designer - The Initiative
Cristina "ArrTeaSea", Content Creator
Crowe Whitney, Narrative Designer
Cullen Dwyer, Doinksoft, Studio Head
Cy McQuinn, Community Manager, Game Dev Galaxy
Cynthia Hachem
Cynthia M
Cyrus Elliott
Cécile Jaubert / Zellk, Concept Artist
Célian Pennello
Céline Dumont
DK Neo, Associate Producer At Team Junkfish
Daehan Stevenson
Dalan Haines
Dallas Rae Lillie
Damien Crawford, Head Of Operations, Cannibal Interactive
Damon Reece, Writer
Dan Ahern
Dan Hett
Dan Johnson, Senior Game Designer
Dan Marshall, Director, Size Five Games
Dan Martin, Indie Dev
Dan McGrath
Dan Seto
Dan Stovell, Principal Engineer
Dan Vogt
Dan Williams, Active Up Games
Dana Cantero, Advertisment And Photography Student
Dane Nurse
Dani Dee
Dani Lalonders, Associate Narrative Designer - Cliffhanger Games
Danial Bryan
Daniel Amthauer, ACE Team
Daniel Dante, Expresso Studios
Daniel Gabriel González Merchante
Daniel García Raso, Writer At Nivel Oculto
Daniel Korn, KO_OP
Daniel Lopez Leiva, Independent Game Developer
Daniel Michael
Daniel Otaigbe, Programmer At Insomniac Games
Daniel Pérez Rodríguez
Daniel Rubio, Editor-in-chief, NaviGames
Daniel Vella, Senior Lecturer, Institute Of Digital Games, University Of Malta
Daniel White
Danielle McRae
Danika Harrod
Danilo De Freitas Lima
Daniyal Mirza
Danny O’Dwyer, Noclip
Danny Peña, Gamertag Radio, Founder And Host
Dante, ..
Daphne Fiato
Dara Insixiengmay, 3D Artist And Animator
Darcy Sandall, Engineer
Darion McCoy, Game Designer
DarkTwinge, Indie Gaming Content Creator
Darya Noghani
Dave Proctor, Director, Mighty Yell Studios
Dave Tamayo, Innersloth
David Ahmadi, Producer, GameSpot
David Bedard, Co-founder, Sweet Baby Inc.
David Bergström
David Bång, Gameplay Programmer
David Clarke, Programmer, Maverick Games
David Cross Kane, Musician/Composer
David Dunham
David Eisner, Pancake Ninja Shark
David Ferriz, Co-Owner, DevilishGames
David Grem Armstrong
David Hagemann, Freelance Game Artist
David Heckman, Freelance Games Writer
David Hellman, Furniture & Mattress, Co-founder
David Huynh, Half Asleep
David Lucio, Latin American Games Showcase
David Masson, Junior Game Designer
David Nguyen, Game Designer
David Olson
David Ospina, Mechanical Engineer
David Porto Martínez
David Rusak, Kitfox Games
David Rushe
David Ryan, Respawn
David Satzinger, Art Director
David Scherder
David Silbert, Lead Editor, The Punished Backlog
David Springer
David T
David Tisserand, Ubisoft
David Zamani-Kord
Davin Pavlas, Riot Games
Dayten Rose, Supernormal
Daz Skubich, Pocket Tactics
De Fremont Jeremy
Dean Scott, Environment Artist
Dean Walshe
Deandra Fallon Warrick
Deanna Gow, Junior Environment Artist
Debora Russo, UX Designer
Dedie Kanda, Game Writer
Dei John
Del Walker, Senior Character Artist At Naughty Dog
Delaney Novinka, DnA Creative
Demi Williams, Freelance Writer
Dennis B. Price, Writer At Console Creatures
Denzel Martin
Derek Reese, CEO Of Chronicler Software
Dermott Burns, Senior Environment Artist At TCR
Devan Guttke, Content Creator
Devin Gann
Devon Scott-Tunkin, Young Horses
Devon Wiersma, Senior Level Designer & Indie Dev
Diane Lagrange
Diane Sparks, Gameplay Engineer
Diarmuid Murphy
Diego Freire
Diego Leonardo Jimenez Bacelis, N/A
Diego Nicolás Argüello
Dijana Rajakovic
Dilara Ozden, Illustrator
Dillin Apelyan (Superdillin), SWANA Freelancer, Streamer, VO
Dillon Barnes
Dillon Sommerville, Senior Environment Artist
Dimitri Millange, KWS Test Lead
Dinga Bakaba
Dion Dassanayake
Dionna M. Shire, 3D Environment Artist, Ivy Road Games
Dip M.
Djaballah Mostapha, Developer
Doc Norberg, Technical Director, Aftermath-Bootleg Esports Mediaworks
Dominic Carracedo
Donald Schepis
Donegal Higgins
Donny Torrey, Sr QA Analyst At Psyonix
Dora Breckinridge, Director Of Games, Armor Games Studios
Dorian Signargout, Doot
Doruk B
Doug Pepe
Douglas Gregory, Professor Of Game Design
Douglas Wilson
Dr Michael Cook, Knives & Paintbrushes
Dr. Steve Wilcox, Game Designer/Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University
Dresden Gardner, Gamer
Duncan Corrigan
Duncan Robson, Video Editor
Duncan Sourdin, Gameplay Programmer, Abrakam
Durga Sivamani, UI Engineer
Dustin Bartlett
Dustin Yost
Dyala Kattan-Wright
Dylan Blight
Dylan Bronstein, Game Designer At Electronic Arts
Dylan Buck
Dylan F
Dylan Hayes
Dylan Ilvento, Studio Head At Ward Games
Dylan Kebow, Composer
Dylan Nelkin
Dziugas Matas
E. Seymour
Earthan Huq
Easton Self
Ed Lima
Ed Valentine, Valentine Games
Eddy Payet
Edgar Castro
Eduardo Tena
Edward Lu, Principal Engineer At Galvanic Games
Edwin Evans-Thirlwell, News Editor,
Eevi Korhonen, Senior Narrative Designer At Housemarque
Ekaterina Kazankova
Ektoras Delta
Eleanor Chan, Senior Game Designer
Elena Tchijakoff
Elham Al Dhafiri, Game Dev
Eli Mauskopf
Eli Piilonen
Eli Rainsberry, Composer And Sound Artist
Eli Ross, Founder And Game Director At Studio Crater
Eli Veiltrich
Elias Arzel
Elie Young, Co-founder, Summerfall Studios
Elijah Palmer
Eline Muijres, Games [4Diversity]
Elisabeth Elvestad, Community Manager
Elise Galmard, Narrative Lead
Elise Valla, Senior Designer
Elizabeth Ballou
Elizabeth Beurling
Elizabeth Caingcoy, Animator, Ivy Road
Elizabeth Edwards
Elizabeth Meza
Ellen Alsop, KO_OP
Elliot Colp
Elliot Cox
Elliot Hudson, Game Director
Elliot Trinidad
Elliott Armstrong
Elliott Hoffman, Level Designer
Ellis Devereux, Indie Dev/Writer/Designer, Mod @ Game Dev Galaxy
Ellis Tucci, Saturn Interactive
Elysia H
Emil Castro
Emil Hammar, Royal Danish Academy Of Fine Arts
Emilia Lazer-Walker, Developer Advocate, Microsoft
Emilia Reyes
Emilio Dorado
Emilio Villafranco Perez
Emily Alward
Emily Burke, Cxmmunity
Emily Diehl
Emily Halina
Emily Latta, Balancing Monkey Games, Narrative Designer
Emily Marlow
Emily Portillo
Emma Bell, Producer At KO_OP
Emma Burger, QA Tester, Ubisoft
Emma Conner, Localization Editor
Emma Goss
Emma Paquette
Emma Reay, Senior Lecturer In Emerging Media
Emmanuel Corno, Narrative Designer
Emmanuel Santos
Emme Zalewska
Eneko Zubiaurre
Enric Granzotto Llagostera, PhD Candidate At Concordia University (Tiohtià:ke/Montréal, QC, Canada), Student Member Of The Technoculture, Art And Games TAG Research Centre
Enrique Alonso, Journalist At
Enrique Martínez, Entalto Studios
Enrique Poirier
Eoghan Mulvenna, Game Programmer
Eoin Roche, Programmer, Ustwo Games
Erekose Watson, Co-Founder At Mune Studio
Eric Iacono, Ubisoft
Eric Merz
Eric Moen, Sound Designer
Eric Porowski, Ubisoft Quest Director
Eric Rodriguez
Eric Zimmerman
Erica Wagner, Game Developer
Erik Campuzano
Erik Ojo, Concept Artist
Erin List, Game Dev Graz
Erroll Maas
Erwan Queffelec, Gamer
Esmeralda H
Esraa W. S., A Game Developer, Software Engineer, And A Researcher In AI
Ethan Anderson
Ethan Godwin, Design Director At Merge Conflict Studio
Ethan Radd
Etienne Juif
Euan Craik
Euan Lawrence, Freelance Sound Designer
Euan McKay
Eva Schmeltz
Evan Ahearne, The Backlog
Evan Kiser
Evan Nolasco
Evan S
Evandro Lopes Abu Kamel Costa, WLS, Game Engineer
Evangelia Fahantidou
Eve Golden-Woods, Writer/Producer At Dreamfeel
Evelyn Moss, Software Engineer
Everest Pipkin
Everett Seymour, 2D Artist
Evie Mae Barber, Narrative Designer (Freelance)
Eyad Mahmoud
F. Lehnert
Fabian A. Bautista
Fabian H.
Faiaz Bin Nesar, CEO At Atbash Studios
Faisal AlFuhaid
Faisal Nawaz
Fanny Vaudour, Producer
Farah Bouamra
Farid Nad, Narrative Designer At Breakfast Studio
Farooq Ahmed Dehlvi
Farrah Maragha
Farrha Khan
Fatima Hachem
Fatma Salim
Faysal Mekhid
Fayyaz Dawda, Assistant Game Manager
Fedor Kasatkin, Senior Quality Manager
Fehim Bayram
Felipe Barros De Sousa, Team Zeroth - Director/Gamedesigner
Felipe De Castro Andrade
Felipe Mastromauro Corrêa, Software Engineering Student
Felipe Pepe, Editor Of The CRPG Book
Felix Martinez, Director At Aura Fortis Entertainment
Felix Richard
Fen Connor Gust, Independent
Fen Nicolás Violant, Programmer At Pendulo Studios
Fergus Coyle, Crytek/Junior Narrative Designer
Fern Larsen
Fernando Henrique Cardoso Silva, Dumativa / Pixel Artist
Ferran Mestres
Filip Nilsson, Audio Programmer
Finn Carney, Level Designer At Nerial
Finn Duffee
Fiona Allison
Firas Wirya Adhiyasta, An Indonesian Student Of School Of Human
Fisher Wagg, Level Designer
Flavie Lucas, Motion Designer
Florent Bascoul, Game Designer
Florent Louis
Florent Maurin
Florent Teppe, Engine Programmer
Florian Gagel
Flávia Gasi, Narrative Director
Foaad Khosmood, California Polytechnic State University
Folmer Kelly, Nopopo, Owner
Ford James, Freelance Gaming Journalist
Fouad Dakwar
Fox Zarow, Educator
Fran Segura, 2D Artist
Francesca Achterberg
Francesca Meaux, Actor
Francis Kenna, Freelance Writer
Francis Kirkpatrick, Liquid Static Studio
Francisco Fernandez Alves Da Silva
Francois Van Niekerk, Clockwork Acorn, Studio Director
François Alliot
François Arseneault, Amateur Gamedev
François Hardy, Community Developer
Frazier Peluso, Narrative Design
Freek Verheijde, Freelance Game Designer
Funk-é Joseph
Félix Le Pottier, Narrative Designer
G.C. Baccaris
Ga-Yi NG, Sales And Business Development Manager
Gabby Llanillo
Gabe Graziani
Gabi Mismash
Gabin Jirodet
Gabriel B. Dufour, Indie Developper
Gabriel Diegues
Gabriel Gonzalez
Gabriel Jimenez, Programmer
Gabriel Koenig
Gabriel Ling, Narrative Designer At Blizzard
Gabriel Nembhard
Gabriel Pulcinelli, Game Composer And Audio Engineer
Gabriel Tutone, Producer
Gabriela Chairez
Gabriela Gonzalez
Gabrielle Nogueira Camara
Galen Nelson
Gambit, Content Creator
Garance Royère
Gareth Damian Martin, Jump Over The Age
Garett Bass, Game Mechanic
Garrett Jones, Game Designer
Garrett Martin
Gary Kings, Trailer Maker
Gary Reif, Gameplay Programmer
Gaspard Morel
Gaston Morales
Gavin Casey
Gavin Lancaster, New York Life
Gavin Spoors
Gavin Young
Gaz, GameOnDaily
Gaëtan Piou
Genaro Domínguez Soler
Geneva Heyward, Indie Game Developer
Geneviève Leblanc
Geoffrey Bunting, Freelance Journalist
George Velez
George W
George Yang, Freelancer
Georgie Christoforou, Influencer Executive For Neonhive
Georgios Lindaris, Jr. Systems Designer
Gerald Smith
Gerben Grave, Freelance Narrative Designer And Game Writer
Ghadi Bou Samra, Freelance Animator
Ghivariandro Veta Reghasa
Giacomo Allegri, NDreams, Environment Artist
Gianna Ruggiero, Doublefine Senior Concept Artist
Giles Armstrong, Freelance Game Writer And Senior Writer On Assassin's Creed Mirage
Gina Lee
Gino Aranda
Giovanni Colantonio
Giovanni Faldani
Giovanni Rubino
Giselle Francis, Narrative Designer
Gordon Speirs
Gough Wade
Grace Carroll
Graeme Allarton
Graeme Lennon, KO_OP
Grant K. Roberts
Grant Parker, Advanced Game Designer
Grant Stoner, Freelance Journalist
Greg Klein, Indie Visual Novel Writer
Greg Lobanov, Director Of (Game Award Nominated) Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Greg Stephen,
Greg Velichansky
Gregory Pellechi
Grey Pines
Greysun Morales, Game Rant (Lead Guides Editor)
Griffin Thenell, Content Programmer
Gryff David, 24 Bit Games, Programmer
Grzegorz Rus
Grégoire Frot, Concept Artist
Guilherme Bandini, Producer
Guilherme Tows
Guillaume Danel, Programmer
Guillaume Félix, Game Developer
Guillaume Pham Ngoc
Guillermo Gallegos
Gustav Olsen
Gustavo Mendes Da Costa Arrevolti
Gwen Broeckx, Co-Founder Of Maratus And Gameplay Programer At Homo Ludens
Gwen Foster
Gwen Terrien
Gwendal Brémond
Gwil Jones
Gwynne Audree V. Ferrer
Géraud Zucchini
H. Chai, UCLA Design Media Arts
Ha-Thanh Gore-Koenig
Hadar Feiner
Hadidjah Chamberlin, Lead VFX Artist, Moonshot Games
Hadiya Phillips
Hager Neeb, Ex Game Dev
Haider Ali
Haig James Toutikian, Game Director
Hailey Carson-Hull
Halima Hassan, Freelance Game Writer
Halina Heron
Hamdan Karmostaji
Hammy Havoc, Split An Atom, Composer
Hanan Sultan, UX Designer
Hannah Boehme, Games Enthusiast Who Cares Very Much
Hannah Filipski, Senior Narrative Designer
Hannah Flynn, Communications Director, Failbetter Games
Hannah Moody
Hannah Nova
Hannah Powell-Smith
Hannako Lambert
Harley Dillon, Gaming Content Creator
Harold Branch
Harrison Holt-McHale
Harrison Pink, Senior Designer, Blizzard Entertainment
Harry Petch, Student Game Designer
Harry Wrzyszcz
Harun Ali, Associate Producer
Harvey Randall, Staff Writer
Hasan Ahmad
Hasiba Arshad, UX/UI Designer, Dreamhaven
Hassan DuRant
Hassan Fajri, Narrative Designer
Hatice Sakar
Hayden Myler
Hayes Madsen, Writer And Reporter At Inverse
Hayley Brant, UI Director
Hayley Royston, Narrative Designer
Hazel Fraticelli, KO_OP
Hazel G Selmys
Haïssam Razouk, Gameplay Programmer, Member Of Solidaires Informatique
Healyn Anicete, Streamer
Heather Flowers
Heather Rose Walters
Heather Schwartz, Illustrator
Heinrich Mauer
Helen Kaur, UI Art Director
Helen Kwok
Helen O'Dell, Senior Artist At Nerial
Helena Ruiz, Game Designer And Programmer
Hemanth Kasichayanula, Marketing Coordinator At CONTINUE
Henri Ekholm
Henry Cutts
Henry Hoare, Indie Dev & Head Of Operations At DreadXP
Henry Hollingsworth, Handling Lead Designer
Henry Stockdale
Heytham Ajine
Hichem Taleb, Community Manager
Hilde Van Galen
Hilton Webster, Freelance Games Journalist
Hippolyte Caubet, Nerial
Holly Nielsen, Historian & Narrative Designer
Hossein Kolivand, 3D Environment Artist
Hugo Sahuquet, Narrative Director, Deck13
Humza Mustafa, Games Design Student (Msci Game Design Integrated Masters)
Hunter Garripee
Hunter Mass, Gaming Writer
Hussein Mohamed Mohamed Ibrahim, AUTM ACADEMY
Huzaifa Yousuf, Indie Game Developer
Iain Dobie
Ian Carter
Ian G
Ian Kedward, Hirez Animator
Ian Melinn, World Artist At Bungie
Ian R
Ian Ramsay, Studio Director At Fighting Chance
Ian Stewart, Community Manager
Iasmin Omar Ata, Palestinian Game Developer & Artist
Ibrahim Saud Alagsam
Ignasi Miro, Community Manager
Iiro Lääveri, Principal Game Artist
Ikeisha Calilap
Iker Giménez Bilbao, Freelance Programmer
Ilaria Cislaghi, VFX Artist
Ili Akmal Isa, Concept Artist
Ilir Gruda, Game Developer
Imad Al-Fil
Iman Egal
Iman Fayek
Imraan Arenz
Inel Tomlinson, Actor
Innes Mckendrick
Inès Djezzar
Iori Branford
Iris Jay
Iris Kiely
Isa Mari De Leon, Narrative Writer
Isaac Barry, Basic Array
Isaac Quartermaine
Isaac Schutz
Isaac Steele
Isabelle Kestrel
Isabelle Mensah
Isador Pinto, Editor At Pixelberry Studios
Isaiah Colbert
Isaiah Spiwak
Islam Ibrahim, Ex- Epic Games
Ismael Fartass, Independent Gameplay Programmer And Level Designer
Isobel Shasha, Co-founder, Sundae Month, Moon Candy
Issy Van Der Velde
Iszac Gaton, Indie Dev/producer
Ivan Papiol, Brainwash Gang
Ivan Tran
Ivy Tartaglia
Iván Carballar
Izzy Chavira, Programmer At Plastic Fern Studios
J Hopkins
J Tuason
J. Kyle Pittman
J.D. Kelly
J.T. Vandenbree, Riot Games, Esports
JP LeBreton
Jace Jenkinson, Amateur Competitive Video Gamer
Jacinta Vu
Jack Davidson
Jack De Quidt
Jack Kyle
Jack Tyrer
Jackie Izawa
Jackie Moshier
Jackson Keller
Jaclyn Seto
Jacob Bruce, Junior Game Designer
Jacob Geller, YouTube Video Essayist
Jacob Kimball
Jacob Knowles
Jacob Lamoureux, Game Designer
Jacob Linden
Jacob Mills
Jacob Penland, Game Design Student
Jacob Shrum
Jacopo Voce, Senior Level Designer
Jacquelyn Markiewicz, UI Artist
Jacqui Collins
Jada Thomas
Jade Fae Britzman, Student At RMIT University Australia
Jade Ostle, Game Designer
Jade Walters
Jaime Arboleda
Jaime Cross
Jaiya Joubert
Jake Adams, Environment Artist
Jake Dardzinski
Jake Donbavand, Release Manager, The Outsiders
Jake Gaule, Freelance Composer And Sound Designer
Jake Green, Freelance Writer
Jake Simon
Jake Steinberg, GameXplain Editor
Jake Tucker, Editor-in-chief, TechRadar Gaming
Jake White, Developer And Co-founder At RNG Party Games
Jakub Klitenik, Social And Community Manager
Jamar Muslar
James Bentley
James Berg
James Bove, Game Designer - Lost Boys Interactive
James Carr, Freelance Journalist
James Chew, Senior Writer
James Cole
James Davenport, 2K
James Davis, Associate Producer, Diablo IV In-Game Cinematics, At Activision Blizzard
James F. Wright
James Galizio
James Gatt
James Gien-Lung Donohue Chin, Formerly Associate Game Designer At Sony Online Entertainment
James Heslin
James Joyce, Artist & Educator
James Kazuki Palermo, UI Artist At Netherrealm Studios
James Leung, Software Engineer
James Morwood, Bit Loom
James Nicholls, Narrative Designer
James O’Connor
James Palermo, Producer, Cold Iron Studios
James Perez
James Romley Burton
James Shipp
James Walker
Jamie Brausen
Jamie Field, QA Tester
Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp, Freelance Games Journalist
Jan Christian Heigl
Jan Harcarik
Jan Kaluza
Jane Parson, Independent Developer
Jane-Nicole Apostol
Janet Garcia
Jannek Egeskov Kristensen
Jannel Marzana
Jannik Boysen
January Martin, TTRPG Designer
Jared Carvalho, Freelance Games News Writer
Jared Merritt, Binary Spiders
Jared Mitchell, Level Designer At Digital Extremes
Jared Rodgers
Jarrett Green, IGN Contributor
Jarrod Boyd
Jasmin Abdulla, Content Creator, Capcom Creator
Jasmine Baí
Jasmine Leavenworth
Jasmine Ling, Game Artist
Jasmine Schatz
Jason Grinblat, Cofounder At Freehold Games
Jason Guisao, Writer + Narrative Designer
Jason Hawreliak
Jason Li
Jason Porter, UX Researcher
Javier Jiménez Melgar
Javier Rodríguez
Javiera Cordero, Meta / Oculus
Jawad Usman
Jawahrya Khan, 2D/3D Game Artist
Jawairiya Naqvi, UI Artist - NDreams
Jawharah Alabdulqader, Nomadroid
Jax Joni Ceceri, Creative Director
Jay Acevedo, Strategic Operations Director
Jay Castello
Jay Ingram
Jay Patel, Senior QA
Jay Wood
Jay-Ann Lopez, Black Girl Gamers
Jayde Callejas
Jayziel Hightower
Jazonna Jackson
Jazz Stewart
Jean Choukroun, World Data Technical Specialist @ Ubisoft Paris Studio
Jean Escalante, Game Designer
Jean-Luc Seipke, GameSpot, Senior Video Producer
Jeanne Prigent, 2D Game Artist
Jeff Beaudoin, Designer At Bungie
Jeff Grubb, Game Awards Jury Member
Jeff Hamilton
Jeff Lafitte
Jeff Zhang
Jefferson Carneiro
Jeffrey Chiao, Producer @ D-CELL GAMES
Jeffrey Lerman, Journalist At Slyther Games
Jelle De Bue
Jem Alexander
Jemima Tyssen Smith, Narrative Designer
Jen Simpkins
Jenna Yow, KO_OP
Jennifer Helen Allaway, Senior Game Writer At Monolith Productions
Jennifer Locke
Jennifer Prior-Sanderson
Jennifer Rogers, Crystal Dreams
Jenniferraye Patterson, Full-time Artist
Jenny Huls, Producer At Riot Games
Jenny Roig Deslandes, Rendering Programmer
Jenny Windom, Senior Influencer Manager, Kepler Interactive
Jerel Levy, Evergreen Editor (TheGamer); Founder (HPCritial)
Jeremy D.
Jeremy Ernst, Tech Art Director
Jeron Frey Greenleaf Ivy
Jerrell Orlando Nolen Jr
Jerrika R.
Jess Campbell
Jess Cloutier
Jess Thomas
Jesse Vitelli
Jessi Ross, Designer/QA
Jessica Bruno-Donzé, Producer
Jessica Glass, QA Analyst
Jessica Howard, Editor At GameSpot
Jessica Johnstone
Jessica Lucas
Jessie Lam
Jesus Arambula
Jewel Rogers
Jhenne Tyler, Narrative Designer
Jibril Sassi, QA Technician At Eidos
Jill Murray, Discoglobe Interactive
Jill Scharr
Jim Shacklock, Creative Assembly
Jim Wright
Jimmy Chi, The New Blank
Jo Brownbridge
Joachim Despland-Lichtert
Joachim Persson, 3D Artist
Joanna Robb
Joanne Almajose
Joannes Truyens
Joao Pinho, Senior Narrative Designer
Jocelyn Ng, Indie Dev
Jodie Harmon, Composer And Sound Designer
Joe Abi Nassif
Joe Bretz
Joe Clark, Founder, Studio 316
Joe Kinglake, Design Director
Joe Ro
Joe Russell, Monothetic
Joe Spade
Joe Tirado
Joel Auterson, Creative Director At Bearwaves
Joel Herber, Lead Engineer
Joel Robinson
Joey Noelle, Producer At Kinda Funny
Joh Gra, Developer
Johan Malmberg, Technical Game Designer
John (Jack) Vander Linden
John Capetanos
John Giarratana, Producer
John Haskell
John Lau, Producer
John McDonald, Senior Engineer
John Michonski, Editor In Chief, Gamesline
John P Healy, Lecturer In Game Design, TU Dublin
John Sangster
John Scovic, Programmer
John Trimble
John Warren, Honeybee Rodeo
JohnLee Cooper
Johnathan Williams, Content Creator
Johnny Chiodini, Journalist
Johnny Liu
Jolie Menzel
Jon B, Level Designer
Jon Bailes, Critic And Indie Developer
Jon Brady
Jon Ryan, Independent Games/Media Analyst, Formerly IGN
Jon/Jenna Simpson, Academic, Freelance Writer
Jonah Huang
Jonatan Skoogh, Landfall Games
Jonatan Van Hove, Indie Developer
Jonathan Bell
Jonathan Bobrow, Move38, Inc.
Jonathan Cooper, Animation At Apple
Jonathan Robison
Jonathan Spira, Programmer Designer At Npc Studio
Jonna Pedersen, Sr. UI Artist At Ubisoft
Jontxu Argibay
Joonatan Itkonen, Writer
Joram Wolters, Independent Game Developer
Jordan A
Jordan Best, Character Artist, NDreams
Jordan Carroll
Jordan Da Rocha, Game Designer
Jordan Dines, Game Designer
Jordan G
Jordan Garland, Production Coordinator: Lighting At Rockstar North
Jordan Havlik
Jordan Jones-Brewster
Jordan M
Jordan Mallory
Jordan Mellow, Sr Gameplay Systems Programmer
Jorge Aranda López, Producer At CIG
Jorge Chaparro
Jorge Veloso, Game Artist
Jorge Virgos Castejón
Joris Dormans
Jorrit Monné, UBERCUT
Jose Abalos
Jose Massa, BCG Studio
Joseph Bradford, Managing Editor,
Joseph Byrne, Art Director
Joseph Ferris, GameXplain
Joseph Horak, Narrative Lead
Joseph Humfrey, Inkle
Joseph Juson, Level Designer
Joseph Squillace
Josh Boykin, Founder, Intelligame
Josh Broadwell, Freelancer
Josh Bycer
Josh Childs, Games Journalist
Josh Hood
Josh Ratsavong, QA
Joshua "Jay" Wilson, Founder At Moon Metro Digital & Game Designer At SMG Studio
Joshua Brungardt
Joshua Carrick
Joshua Flores, Riot Games
Joshua Hanifle
Joshua Hokstad, QA Analyst
Joshua Hollendonner, Stuffed Wombat
Joshua Mayer, Associate Producer At Bandai Namco Entertainment America
Joshua Reed
Joshua Salazar, Software Engineer At Zynga
Joshua Thompson, Finger Guns
Joshua Trimmer, Technical Animator
Joshua Whittom, Indie Dev
Josiah Byler, Freelance News Writer
Josiah Jerome Clark Jr.
Josiah Tull, Independent Designer
Josie Tolofson
Joulie Iv
Joy Wood, Game Producer
João Brant, Long Hat House
Juan Sidney Guaraldo Barroso
Jude Akira Pinto
Jude Morey, Technical Gameplay Animator
Jules Engel, PR Manager
Jules Noël, Teacher & Lead 3D Artist
Julia Christensson, Frontier Developments
Julia H’Doubler, NYU Game Center
Julia Ye, Co-founder, Cactus Jam Games
Julian Maxwell
Julian Viezens, Btf Games Programmer
Julie Cooper, Deputy Editor, Video Games Are Good
Julie Muncy
Julien Djoubri
Julien Lemaire
Juliene Ivy Moreira Burian, Animator At 13AM Games
Julius Fondem, Development Manager
Jun Shen Chia
Juno García
Jurge Cruz-Alvarez
Justice Knight
Justin Carter
Justin Doan, EA
Justin Hill
Justin Jayson
Justin Ma, Subset Games
Justin Perumal
Justin Thakkur
Justin Walter
Justin Wang, Game Developer
Justin Zwack, Lead Designer
Justine Raymond
Justine Stewart
Justo Delgado Baudí
Jörg Tittel, RapidEyeMovers
Kaelan Doyle Myerscough, Narrative Designer
Kai Valentine, KAINONAUT
Kaile Hultner, Editor, No Escape
Kaitlyn Modzelewski
Kal O'Brien, Unity Head Of Insider Program
Kaleb Eberhart, Designer (Spry Fox / Netflix Games)
Kalmia J
Kam Konek
Kameron Pearson
Kamogelo Tselane, Artist
Kamran Shamsi
Kamryn Ray
Kan (KOHIU) Pham, Visual Artist
Karen Soh, Remedy Entertainment
Karen Teixeira, Dreamfeel
Karim Dagher, Front End Developer / Unity Developer
Karl Drinkwater, Author
Karl F
Karl Franz Hohn
Karpeh Zoogley
Kartik Kini, Indie Developer- Finite Reflection Studios
Kasim Rehman
Kat Gray, Environment Artist
Kat Nicole Berkley, Concept Artist At Firaxis Games
Kate Barrett, Independent Game Dev
Kate Compton, Northwestern University
Kate Craig, Environment Artist
Kate Sánchez
Kate Tran
Katey Farmanian
Katherine Baskin, Social Media Manager @ Arrowhead Game Studios
Katherine Boutin, Work With Indies
Katherine Olvera, Community Moderator, Account Executive
Kathryn E
Katia (Katz) Marcial
Katie Alexander
Katie Better, Sr Animator
Katie Ohlson, Game Developer
Katie Robinson-Mays, Community Manager, Compulsion Games
Katrina Bills
Kawa Teaño
Kay Vekos
Kayla Overby
Kayn Evening Star
Keir Meikle
Keith Andrew
Kela Van Der Deijl, Founder At Appelmoes Games
Kelly Greene, UI Artist And Illustrator
Kelly Kelley, MrsViolence
Kelly Weng
Kelly Yeo, Associate Producer, Blizzard Entertainment
Kelsey Geiger, Game Programmer
Kelsey Martin
Kelsie Mhoon, Narrative Designer
Kelvin Gil
Keng Boon Lim
Kenny Chia
Kenny Redublo
Kenton Booker, Just An Artist Who Loves Video Games.
Kevin Cavanaugh, Gameplay Programmer @ Harmonix/Epic
Kevin DiBiase
Kevin Diaz, IGN, Associate Content Syndication Editor
Kevin Hamilton
Kevin McCollin
Kevin O'Neil
Kevin Ray, Indie Game Dev
Kevin Selvan
Kevin Tihon
Kevin W, Producer
Khadija Boulazhar, Animator At WB Games Montreal
Khaldoun Khelil
Khaled Al Karmi, Concept Artist
Khalid Alhafi
Khalid Waleed
Khawaja Zain-Ul-Islam
Khaya Ahmed, Writer And Narrative Game Designer
Ki Garland, Voice Actor
Kim Belair
Kim Mihok
Kindra Dantone
Kira Boom
Kirsty Fraser
Kit Oaken
Kit Olsen, Associate Art Director
Kiy B., Games Scholar
Kjartan Kennedy, Co-founder And Studio Director Of Causeway Studios
Kjell Håftén, Automat CO+OP, Håfténs Spelverkstad, Gamedev Gothenburg
Kobe Reynolds
Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Game Urbanist & Game Designer
Kraig Looney
Kris Fournier
Kris Grych
Kris Roldan
Kris Wise, Director, Lunaris Games
Kristin Gudmundsdottir
Kuba Kuleszewicz, VFX Artist
Kushairy Masdi, Gamer
Kwamé Babb, Principal VFX Artist - Brass Lion Entertainment
Kyle Dewhirst
Kyle Garfield, Lighting Artist (Freelance)
Kyle Jensen, Blackbird Interactive
Kyle Killian, Producer
Kyle McKernan, KO_OP
Kyle McLamb, Programmer, Zenimax Online
Kyle Worrall, IGGI
Kyler Kelly-Tan, Game Developer And Animator
Kylie Luna White
Kyra Jaeger
Kyrian Rodriguez
KyungRak Bae, Indie Developer
L Laney, Concept Artist
Laetitia Lerandy
Laia Velasco Flo, Co-Founder Of Resistència VideoLúdica
Laila Ibrahim
Laith Jebril, Game Artists & Director
Lakhdar Benhalima
Lan Roed, Less Than Three Interactive
Lana Bachynski, Riot Games
Larry Colvin, Producer
Lars Eirik Holte
Laura Buse
Laura Cesa
Laura Ducran
Laura F.
Laura Fournier, Senior Producer At Nerial
Laura Glatz
Laura Hefler
Laura Heimann, Lead Developer @ Indiegesindel
Laura Hirsbrunner, Tabletop Game Editor & Designer
Laura Lee Cooper, 3D Artist
Laura Michet
Laura Roldán, Level Designer
Laura Ryder, Composer And Sound Designer At Dreamfeel
Laura Turban, Associate Producer
Lauren Bryant-Monk
Lauren Pettit
Lauren Quiniou
Lauren Radford, Content Creator
Lauren Welch, Release Manager
Laurence Kennedy, Narrative Lead ZOAN
Laurent Désautels-Séguin
Lauriane Lafrance, Student In Animation
Lawrence Le
Lawrence Marable, Writer At Crazy Maple Studios & Storyloom
Layal, Game Programmer
Leah Fenix
Leanna Russell
Leanne Bradbury
Lee Hammoud
Lee Jae Yi
Lee McGirr
Leena Van Deventer, Reuben Games
Leigh Alexander
Leigh-Anne Kenny
Leila Morgan
Leisha-Marie Riddel, Behaviour Interactive
Lena Couty, Producer
Lena Raine, Composer
Lennart Schobert, Psyloware
Lenophie, Bunstack
Leo Laffargue
Leon Barillaro
Leon Killin
Leona Dougherty
Leonardo Santos
Leroy Verdoold, Student Game Design
Leslie Astier, Game Creator And Researcher
Leth Davidson, Indie Dev
Levi Finney
Lewis Lawton-Jones, Community Manager
Lex Griffiths
Lex Luddy, EiC At
Lex Vermeulen, Game Art Student
Lexie Rooks, Game Designer
Leyla Lacombe, Maps/Narrative Producer
Leyla Mamedova
Liam O'Donnell-Carey, Mediatonic
Liam Richardson, Freelance Games Journalist
Liana Ruppert, Former Bungie
Liesl A.
Liew Xiang Xiang, Marketing & Freelance Writer
Lilith Oliveras Cerrudo, Narrative Writer At Evil Zeppelin
Lilli Lloyd
Lily Kay Peairs, Game Designer
Lily Pagalis-Jackson, Summerfall
Lily Valeen, Game Designer At Lilycore Games
Lin Taylor
Lior Kahanov
Lis Moberly
Lisa Blakie, Co-Director, Atawhai Interactive
Lisa Creveling, Content Creator
Lisa Dauges, Unemployed Junior Vfx Artist
Lisa Ward, Staunch Supporter
Lita F
LittleSiha, Creator
Liv Buckley
Liv Ngan, Freelance Journalist
Livvy Hall
Liz England
Liz Ryerson
Llaura McGee, Director, Dreamfeel
Lloyd Brown
Lloyd Campbell III
Lloyd Knott
Loay Osman
Lobba Mattos Nunes Costa, Game Designer And Cultural Producer At Moth Fried Games
Logan Blakeslee
Loren Riley, Free Person
Loren Schmidt
Loretta Sar Hing
Lorien Gugich, Creative Director And CEO
Lorraine Wilson, Game Designer
Lotte May, Necrosoft Games
Lou Adducci
Louie Gomez
Louis Aubel, Economic Game Designer At Ubisoft
Louisa Atto
Loïc Fontaine, Consultant
Lu Al
Lu De Castro "nbmach1ne", Brainwash Gang
Luan Dias
Luan Lucas
Luc Le Dauphin, Toco Productions
Luca Azenaro-Acero, Freelance Writer
Luca Fisher, Games Journalist
Luca Herpin, Ubisoft
Luca O’Shea
Lucas Gomes Da Cruz
Lucas J.W. Johnson, Studio Director, Silverstring Media
Lucas Lerín
Lucas Matías González Calderón, Junior Game Programmer
Lucas Monnet, VFX Artist
Lucas Moura
Lucas Rodrigo Raso Mattos, Co-Founder At Long Hat House
Lucas Valensa
Lucas Van Muiswinkel, Production Director
Luci Holland
Lucia Hughes, Gameplay Programmer
Lucie Viatge
Lucy Morris
Lucy Nash
Lucy Pinker, AP
Luis Alamilla, Video Producer At GamingVlogNetwork
Luis Escalante, Independent Game Developer
Luis Finke
Luis Guilherme Bento, CORPUS EDAX
Luis Hernandez
Luis Leonardo León Flores
Luise Laser
Luiz Paulo Santos Cruz
Luke Fernandez
Luke Hinton
Luke O'Connor, Respawn Entertainment, Hard Surface Artist
Luke Spencer
Lumi Lumanosity, Content Creator
Luna Kirkby, Graphics Programmer
Luna Meier, Senior Tech Designer, Blizzard
Luís Machado, Criterion Games
Lydia Lee
Lyhdyr Esquerdo Teixidó, Cofounder Of Lemon Bird Games
Lyra Vorona
Léo A., Level Designer
Léo Mirland, UI/UX Designer
Léo Motta Leal, Business Developer
M. L.
MJ Lewis
Macgyver Sanchez
Macha Lopez, Senior Narrative Designer/Writer
Mackenzie Denker, President Of Amelore
Madeline Egbert
Madisen Janine Kellner
Mads Johansen, Knives And Paintbrushes
Maestro Pivetta
Maged Hamdy, Octosoft
Mags Donaldson, Lead Technical Writer
Mahdi Bahrami
Mahmoud Khalifa
Mahmoud Salem, Independent Game Programmer
Mahogany Spencer
Maja Sielska
Majd Akar
Maker W
Malath Abbas, Biome Collective
Malcolm Christiansen
Malik Fernandez, The Chinese Room
Mallory Littleton
Malo Dalmier, Freelance Game Designer
Mandy Gloria
Manoel Castro Lois
Manon Vincent
Manuel González Larrauri, Tragicomedia
Manuel Zayas
Mar Zandvliet, Frantic Waltz, Co-founder
Mara Diana
Marc Perez Olivas, Environment Artist
Marc Rutschlé, Senior Game Designer & Union Rep. At Ubisoft Paris
Marc Shakour, President At
Marc Vaccaro
Marc-Henri Faure
Marceau Tourailles, Level Designer
Marcela Huerta, KO_OP
Marcelo D. Viana Neto
Marcelo Faria
Marcos Quiroga Quiroz
Marcus Brown, Freelance Contributor
Marcus Garrett, Anchored Digital
Margaret Ó Dorchaidhe, Software Engineer
Marguerite Dabaie, Independent Artist
Maria Clara Castelo Branco Borges, Free Palestine!!!!
Maria N.
Maria Vasilchikova, Game Producer
Mariah Gregory
Mariam Gamil
Marie Abrino, Freelance UI/UX Designer
Marie Cruz
Marijn Lems, Games Editor, De Standaard (Belgian Newspaper)
Marijn R, Independent
Marina Ayano Kittaka, Analgesic Productions
Marina Díez, 3ofcups / BTF Games
Marina McFarlane, Lead Programmer
Mario Belén Rivera, Junior VFX Artist
Mario J. Ramos,
Mario Quintanilla
Mario Rivera, Point In Progress Podcast
Marion Esquian, Senior Designer At DON’T NOD
Marion My Anh Baxerres, Project AWR Creator & Co-founder
Mariá Scardua
Mark Bonner
Mark Craigie
Mark Harris, SUPERJUMP
Mark Kirk Hall, Principal Level Designer
Mark Nauta, Game Director, Firaxis Games
Mark Price, Studio Technical Director, Astro Nomad
Mark Speedy, Technical Account Manager, WB Games
Mark Tempini, Producer
Mark Vernon, Senior Designer
Marko Kundak
Marlowe Ethos, CoFounder Of Neo Interactive
Marlène Delrive, Game Designer At Triband & Autoscopia
Marri Lynn Knadle
Mars Wong, Game Designer
Marta Durand, Game Designer At INTERIOR/NIGHT
Marta López Perejon
Martijn Van Zwieten
Martin Hanses
Martin Lynagh, Lecturer In Game Production, Abertay University
Martin Pichlmair
Mary Georgescu, Senior Game Designer
Mary Grace Bright
Mason Jacobs
Masooma Rangwala
Mathew Jones, Social Coordinator At IGN
Mathew Kumar
Mathieu Clerveau
Matias Mellado, Arthemy Studios
Matt Bryan
Matt Carney
Matt Donahue, Co-Founder, Journalist, But Why Tho
Matt Hansen, Animator
Matt Nava
Matt Roszak, Kupo Games Developer
Matteo Lupetti
Matteo Uguzzoni, NYU Game Center Incubator Administrator
Matthew B
Matthew Benoit
Matthew Britton, Beta Tester
Matthew C. Moran, N/a
Matthew Clements, Team17, Influencer Realations
Matthew Craig
Matthew Garrett McCloud, Associate Producer
Matthew Guzdial, University Of Alberta
Matthew Holden-Williams
Matthew Keiper
Matthew L, Composer At Amorous Ursidae
Matthew Rigg, Narrative/Leven Design Director
Matthew Rothardt
Matthew Rowland
Matthew Ryan
Matthew Schreiner, Software Developer
Matthew Stockdale, Gameplay Programmer At Tt Games
Matthew Wieteska
Matthias Haan, Egosoft, Programmer And Creative Lead
Matthieu Mouthon, Environment Artist
Mau Rodríguez
Mauro Cesar Da Silva Ribeiro
Max Brown, Pizza Entrepreneur
Max Cordeiro
Max Folkman
Max Fortna, Gameplay Programmer, Insomniac Games
Max Lincoln, Narrative Designer
Max Nichols, Senior Activity Designer At Bungie
Max Pascual
Max Rich
Max Righi
Max Turnbull, KO_OP
Max Vesperia, ConsoleFun, Reviews Redactor
Maxence Voleau
Maxim Yurchenko
Maximilian John Myers, RMIT Tutor
Maximilian Miller, Musician And Writer, Pitter-Patter
Maxine McKinnell
Maxine Sophia Wolff
Maya Wilson, GUI Modder
Maël Gonzalez
McKenna Krebs, Content Creator
Meagan Glennon, Lead Environment Artist At Heart Machine
Meaghan Hartie, Senior QA Analyst
Meg Pelliccio, Lead Guides Editor, TheGamer
Megan Carnes, Composer
Megan Chell, NDreams Junior Rigger And Animator
Meghan Lee
Meghna Jayanth, Narrative Designer
Mehrdad Dehdashti, Senior Programmer At Kitfox Games
Mei Cheng
Meirian Davies, Cinematics Artist
Mel C
Melia Antiqua
Melissa Brinks, Editor, Sidequest
Melissa Cocker
Melket Lönnehed, Game Design Student
Melody Wang
Melos Han-Tani, Analgesic Productions
Melvin Gio Peralta
Melyssa Horton
Mereana Johnston, Game Designer At Balancing Monkey Games
Meredith Hall
Merett P., Amateur Gamedev
Merle Roji, Student Game Programmer At Champlain College
Meshal S
Mia Brown, 24 Bit Games, Programmer
Micaela D., Producer
Micaela Mantegna, IP, AI Ethics And Video Game Law Lecturer, TED Fellow, Activist.
Micah Smith, Embedded Tester
Michael Baginski
Michael Beckwith
Michael Blackard
Michael Bonifacio
Michael Camara, Software Engineer, Demiurge Studios
Michael Carter
Michael Cotter, Academic Support Worker
Michael Crowl
Michael Donaghey, Developer
Michael Dreyfus
Michael Elbert
Michael Evans
Michael Hamilton
Michael Hernandez
Michael Higham, Senior Editor And Host, GameSpot
Michael Hoffmann
Michael Jungbluth
Michael Luo, UCLA Game Lab
Michael Mairs
Michael Power, PR Specialist
Michael Przyborowski
Michael Ruiz, QA Analyst
Michael Saiger
Michael Schmitt
Michael Tanner, Solo Independent Developer
Michael Vatskalis
Michaël Boyer, Lead Programmer, Team RUN
Michaël Fournier
Michel Topuzoglu
Michele Nunziato
Michelle Hyde, QA Manager
Michelle Lega
Michelle Ridge, Ubisoft
Michelle Snowball, Gameplay Programmer At Ubisoft
Mickael Zerihoun
Miguel Sternberg
Miguel Vargas
Mik Deitz
Mike Bishop, QA Manager
Mike Boland
Mike Brown, Lead Gameplay Designer
Mike Cockayne
Mike Egan
Mike Horowitz
Mike Rosenthal
Mike Shirley-Donnelly, Curious Quail
Mikha Röhrs
Mikko Pavén, Game Developer
Miles Flanagan, Audio Programmer
Millicent Thomas, Influencer Manager
Mimi Mitra
Mirella Díez, Senior Audio Designer
Miriam Tandberg Dybing, Tech QA At Funcom
Mitch Dyer, Writer
Mitchell Bundy, Unity Technologies
Mitchell Malloy, Art Director At Wild Blue Studios
Mithun Balraj
Moaz Alandanusi, 3d Generalist
Moe Ayyad
Mohamad Alkotob, KIP Engine
Mohamed Ashraf Mubarak
Mohamed Chamas, Independent
Mohamed Effat
Mohamed Ezzat
Mohamed Osama Elfawal
Mohamed Zukkar
Mohammad AlHuraiz, Asatiir's Tales
Mohammad Mesha
Mohammad Zamani
Mohammed Abdelrahman
Mohammed Es Salhy
Mohammed Hamdi
Mohammed Taher, President And Director, Brave Wave Productions
Mohannad Al-Khatib, Artifact 5
Moira Thayer
Moises Taveras
Molly Carroll, Communications Director
Momin Khan
Momo Dabiri, Founder, Literally Games
Mona Willis
Montell Rutherford
Montrail Patterson, Producer
Morgan Aguilar, Obsidian Entertainment Gameplay Programmer
Morgan Brown, Senior Designer, Blizzard Entertainment
Morgan Seurre, Hookaria Games
Morgan Swampcroft
Morgin Shu, Lead Developer At Tofurocks
Moroaica Kho
Morrigan Bashir, Concept Artist
Mostapha Belgot, Operations And Support
Mouad Heradi
Mounim El Meziani
Moustafa Chamli
Moxie Braun, Frogteam Games
Mpho Futjane
Mr Midas, Video Game TV Host
Mugsy Kidd, Dreamsteed / Voice Actor, Artist, Writer
Muhammad Afzal
Muhammad Arief Danial
Muhammad Daoud, 3D Programmer At Ubisoft
Muhammad Syarif
Murathan Simsek
Murray Somerwolff
Mus Eroz
Mushfiq Iqbal, Game Designer
Mustafa Bin Tahir
Muzafar Ahmed
Myleah Lofland, Social Media Manager, Game Devs Of Color Expo
Myles Hillyer
Myles McCoy
N Kavaldjian
Nabil Ali
Nabil Mehari
Nada Ahmed Mostafa Bakr
Nada Salem
Nadhim Mohammed
Nadia Shammas
Nadir Latif, Game Designer At Stillalive Studios
Naeem Moosajee
Nafis Ansari
Nafisah Tung
Naomi Clark, Chair, NYU Game Center
Naomi Heinis, Vehicle Dynamics And Union Rep At Kylotonn
Naomi M. Roring
Naomi N. Lugo, Gamer Cat Cafe
Narae Lee
Naseer Alkhouri
Natalie Gedeon
Natalie Plagman
Natasha Zinda, Zombaekillz Creator/activist Visionary Award Recipient
Natasza Szulc, Level Designer, NDreams
Nate Fernandez
Nate Smith, UI Engineer
Nathalie Kiernan, KRITIQAL
Nathan Antony, Composer, Independent
Nathan Bosia, Work With Indies
Nathan Brown, Hit Points
Nathan Hermanson,, Editor-in-Chief/Founder At Video Games Are Good
Nathan Jordan, Software Test Engineer
Nathan Norman Brandt, Host, SomeGoodShows
Nathan Rose, Junior Environment Artist
Nathan Weber
Nathaniel Bott
Nathaniel Ferguson
Nathann Latimore, UCSC Games And Playable Media MS Student
Nazih Fares, The 4 Winds Entertainment & IGDA Board Of Directors
Neelam Jani
Neha Nair
Neha Patel
Neil Delaney, Game Artist
Neil Goodman, Lead Programmer, Nerial
Neil Jimenez
Neil LaPointe, LaPointe Joints, Indie Game Developer
Nele Steenput, NDreams
Nell Raban
Nerkez Nahodovic
Nes Can, Rockstar North
Nesha M
Nessa Cannon
Neville Lahiru Perera, Game News Writer
Niall McCoy
Niall Moody, Artist, Game Developer And Lecturer; Abertay University And Biome Collective
Niall Tessier-Lavigne
Nic Fontaine
Nic Junius
Nic Stevenson
Nic Tobin
Nic Tringali
Nic Trnka
Nicholas Alexandre Blain
Nicholas Grayson, Social At Giant Bomb
Nicholas McDonnell, Managing Director At Samurai Punk
Nicholas Mercadante
Nicholas Sanowar, Co-Founder, Co-Owner, CTO, Lead AI/Gameplay Programmer, Sound Designer, & Texture Artist At Nikolyte Studios
Nicholas Udell
Nicholas Zollinger
Nick Baker, Level Designer And Artist
Nick Bell, Aetheric Games, Owner/lead Dev; Game Dev Educator
Nick Folkman
Nick Huang, Game Designer
Nick Kornek, Senior Game Designer/Programmer
Nick Rudzicz, KO_OP
Nick Whittaker
Nico Pons, Indie Game Designer
Nicola Baribeau, Indie Dev
Nicolas Cardahi, Cinematic Designer
Nicolas David Toni Cristiano Cesario De Sa
Nicolas F, Game And Level Designer
Nicolas Gadenne, Gaddy Games Owner
Nicolas Porras, NDreams
Nicolas Séguier, Engine Programmer And Union Rep At Spiders
Nicolas Wartelle-Mathieu, Senior Level Designer At Housemarque
Nicolas X Pelkey
Nicole Conroy
Nicole He
Nicole Hidalgo Barelli
Nicole Magee
Nicole Maines
Nicole Stanford, Narrative Manager At Eleventh Hour Games
Nida Ahmad
Nidal Muneer Saleh Nijm, Nidal Nijm Games
Nidula Geeganage, Cactus Jam Games, Co-founder & Director
Nigel Davis, Bungie, Producer
Nik Pantis, Production Manager, Ubisoft
Nikko Stevens, Bungie
Niklas Hallin, Neckbolt
Niko Kolm
Niko Voidlynx
Nikola Gabriella Eskra
Nikola Šobajić, Engine Programmer
Nil Ali, Concept Artist
Nilo Laso Yubero, Senior Game Designer At Ubisoft
Nissie Arcega
Noah Alzayer, People Can Fly - Senior Technical Animator
Noah Jarman
Noah Laidlaw
Noah Li
Noah Meyer, Sole Proprietor Of Meyer Games
Noah Rigden
Noah Schoenholtz
Noah Wussow
Noam Weiss, Gameplay Engineer, E-Line Media
Noel Young
Noelle Evanich
Noelle Johnston
Nohemi López Rangel
Nomi, Freelance Artist
Noni Och
Noor Shashtari
Norapat R
November S
Noé Charron, KO_OP
Null Casting, Director @ Cable Two
Nur Zulaikha Syakirah
Obinna Iwuchukwu
Octavio G. Contreras Valle
Octavio Silva, Indie Game Designer
Ogulcan Senocak, Hype Your Games, Creator/blogger/influencer
Oisin Kuhnke, Freelance Journalist
Oko Zabicki, 3D Animator
Olavo Bahdur Bruzadin
Ole Andreas Haley, Senior Producer
Oleg Brodskiy, Development Director, Firaxis Games
Oleksiy Chapay, Narrative Designer
Oli Ela Olmez
Oli Grant
Olive M.
Olive Perry, Independent Developer
Oliver Knight
Oliver Lewin
Oliver William Walker, Senior Level Designer Studio ZA/UM
Oliver Withington
Olivia Pourzia
Olivia Rose Stagnaro
Olivia Rose Wertheimer, Tech Artist
Olivia Sakdikul
Olivia Wood
Ollie Hoff
Ollie Tarbuck, Circle-A Studios
Olta Axhanela
Oluwatoyin Ariyo
Oma Keeling
Omar Amgad Ahmed
Omar Ibrahim
Omar Khashoggi, Gameplay Programmer
Omar Mahmoud
Omar Snow
Omer Younas
Onat Hekimoglu, Slow Bros. UG
Oran Walker
Orion Torres
Osama Adel
Osama Dorias, Lead Gameplay Designer
Osamh Al-shra'a, Gamer
Ossama Jouini, Co-Founder Of Dedra Games
Oussama Khalaf, Game Developer At Illfonic
Ovie Mukoro
Owen Craig, NDreams
Owen Hellum, Concordia Technoculture Arts And Games (TAG) Research Institute Student Representative
Owen Thomas
Owen Trett, Video Editor At Poncle
Owl Piehl
Ozzie Smith, Pink House Games
PJ O'Reilly, Hookshot Media
Pablo F. Quarta, Cofounder At Matajuegos
Paige Hicks
Paloma Bry, Narrative Designer
Paloma McClain
Paloma Pipeleers, 3D Artist
Pam Punzalan, DMG, Executive Director
Paolo Borsellino, Level Designer At 3D Clouds
Paolo Lucas
Paolo Pedercini, Molleindustria
Papaya, Director At Milk+ Visual
Parker Bullington-McGuire
Parris Lilly
Pascal Gane, Engineering Manager
Patric Fallon, Founder, Director Of Moebial Studios
Patrick Di Lella, QA Analyst
Patrick Eckardt, Gamedeveloper And Artist
Patrick Exner
Patrick Laforte
Patrick Metz, Ubisoft
Patrick Naughton
Patrick Roche-Sowa, Senior Producer, Epic Games
Patrick Sheegog
Patrick Zysk
Paul Broughton
Paul Dean
Paul Diaz, Programmer At Plastic Fern Studios
Paul Gerst, Developer
Paul Polihronakis
Paul Wyatt
Paul Zavala, Player Support
Pauline Croft, Indie Game Writer
Paulius Šalna, Head Of Production, SneakyBox
Pavan Rehal
Paweł Dębski
Paxson Helgesen, Senior Sound Designer
Pedro "Palas" Marques
Pedro Henrique
Pedro Henrique Pontes Nascimento, Porting Programmer
Pedro Henrique Rechi, Game Tester
Pedro Nuno Carvalho Dos Santos
Pedro Proenca
Pedro Romero González
Pedro Zambarda, Drops De Jogos
Penelope Payne
Penelope Winter
Pepsi Purgatory, Hobbyist Artist
Persephone Fowler
Pete Bones, NDreams
Pete Goodfellow, Programmer, Iteria
Pete Stewart
Peter Burroughs
Peter Conlin
Peter Glagowski, Associate Editor At Flixist
Peter Hansen, Head Of Tech At FuturLab
Peter Hunt Szpytek
Peter Lowe
Peter Orrestad
Phi Schoenberg, Localization Editor
Philip Beverley
Philip Tibitoski, Young Horses Games, President & CEO
Philippa Warr
Philippe Rostaing, Game Designer, Teacher And Program Coordinator At Dawson College
Philippe-Adrien Chaix
Phillip Charles Woytowitz, Professor At The University Of California Santa Cruz, Lead Developer Of Olliefrog Toad Skater, Former Nvidia Engineer
Phillip Corrado, Aggro Crab
Pier-Luc Girard
Pierre Corbinais, Writer
Pierre-Étienne Marx, STJV Member, Ubisoft Paris
Pierson Lyth
Piran Tremethick
Piri Babayev, Hungry Trolls
Pol Clarissou
Poppy (Magnolia) Lorian, 3D Artist
Prateek Saxena,
Pryn Dy
Péricles Barros, Full Gameplay Programmer
Qasam Iqbal, NDreams, Junior Level Designer
Qasi Albaytar
Quang Minh Vo
Quinn Barbuta, Game Developer
Quinn Spence, 3D Artist
Quinn Viau, Lead 3D Artist @ Kitfox Games
Qurrata Ain Binti Abdul Kahar, Audience
RJ Lake, Co-founder And Creative Lead, D-CELL Games
Rabecca Rocha, Seattle Indies Board Treasurer  And Regional Organizer For  Global Game Jam PNW
Rabia Fayyaz
Rabiatul Adawiyah Binti Md Nazeri
Rach Gilbert, Game Designer, Electronic Arts
Rachad Al Haj
Rachel Barnum, Game Designer, Amazon Games
Rachel H. Rameau, Writer
Rachel Heleva, Dev Relations At Astra Logical
Rachel Tung, Studio Engagement Coordinator, Timbre Games
Radiant G, Site Lead, Press SPACE To Jump
Rafael Batista De Lima
Rafael Ramires Leite
Rafe Altschuler
Rafif Kalantan, Student BAFTA Award-winning Game And Narrative Designer
Raghad Redwan, UI/UX Designer
Rainy Holmes
Raj Sri Shanker
Rakan Khamash, Senior Character Artist At Blizzard
Ralphy Diaz, QA At Bungie
Rami Akram Musawi, CBI
Rami Elali
Rami Ismail
Ramona Jones (Tetra Yon), Writer/Artist/Musician, Studio V_UAL
Randy Abellaneda, Freelance Artist
Rani Sodhi
Raoul William Braghieri
Raphael Alves, Sound Designer
Raphael Horion, Technical Artist
Raphaël Martin
Raquel De Miranda, Freelance Narrative Designer
Rasheed Abueideh, Palestinian Game Designer
Rashel Miah
Rat Grimes
Raul Carvajal, Lead Producer, Anima Interactive
Raven Reed
Ravi Barbosa Dos Santos, 3D Environment Artist
Ray Clark
Ray Hsiao, Game Designer
Ray Olsen, Designer
Ray Sima
Rayan Ali Hassan
Rayan Serawan
Raye Veltri
Raymond Vermeulen, Narrative Designer
Rayzones, Lowpolis
Raúl Martínez Garrido, Molegato
Rebecca El Cheikh, 3D Artist At King Art Games
Rebecca Gonzalez
Rebecca Hahn
Rebecca Haigh, Writer, Playground
Rebecca Halliday
Rebekah Valentine, Senior Reporter, IGN
Reece Themen
Reem Abada
Reese Debaka
Reid McCarter
Reid Wilson, Quality Assurance Analyst
Reina Worrell
Reinout Ruland
Remi Pierot
Remy Ripple
Ren Alex-Rose
René Van Vemde
Renée Teloka
Reshan Sabaratnam, Senior Cinematics Producer
Rex Melton
Rexxie Rose
Reynaldo Culannay Jr
Rhea Gupte,
Rhianna Mills
Rhiannon Bevan, TheGamer, Deputy News Editor
Rhiannon McGrath
Rianna Suen
Ricardo Correa-Altiery
Richard Bunn, Freelance Game Designer
Richard Enriquez Garcia
Richard Meredith, Plausible Concept
Richard Ogden
Richard Wakeling, Freelancer
Richie De Wit, Bear Knuckle, Founder
Rick Lesley
Ricky Morales, Dead Scene Media
Ridwan Al-Mansur
Riley Wignall, Gameloft
Rim Abou-Jawde, Brand And Marketing Manager
Rin Brown
Rishi Evany
Rita Milena Vargas
Ritvik Koya
River Jaffe
Rivers Hood
Rob Gallagher, Lecturer In Games & Immersive Media, KCL
Rob Holehouse, Advanced Artist - Formerly Sony / Rocksteady
Rob Vicks, Lead Systems Animator
Robbie Russell, QA
Robby Williams, Associate Producer
Robert Anderson
Robert Craig, Founder/Ceo
Robert Crown, Jr.
Robert J. Pelonia
Robert M Gambill
Robert Niewodowski
Robert Pigott, Creative Director At Lookout Drive Games
Robert Tsao, Lead Narrative Designer At Ubisoft
Robin Bea
Robin C.
Robin Dumoutier, QA Tester
Robin Goodwin
Robin Lönnberg Widegren, Massive Entertainment
Robin Milton, Founder At Fairer Games
Robin Perera, Freelance Proframmer
Robin Van De Motter
Robinson Farrar, Contract Programmer
Robyn Collis, UI Artist
Rodger Lecuivre
Rodrigo Nascimento, Mr. Mustard Games
Rodrigo Pellanda
Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera, Assistant Professor Of Games
Roland Quiros, Game Programmer
Romain Barrilliot, Level Designer
Romain Fricaud, Senior Producer
Roman Orozco
Romana Ramzan
Romantisoft, Independent Game Development Company
Romilly Cotta, Videogamer
Ronnie LaBelle
Roosa Jokiaho, Cinematic Artist
Rosa Souwer, Artist
Rosalinda Hernandez, Red Iron Labs, CEO
Rose Daly
Rose Feltcy
Rose Lafeuille
Rostom Chouache, Gamer
Rourke Bywater, Narrative Systems Designer
Roxanne Angeline Van Dam, Game Programmer
Roxanne M, Game Developper At Louve Systems
Roxanne V.
Ruby Halliburton
Rubén Crispín
Rudi Kolenc, 3D Artist
Runa Liore Winters
Rus McLaughlin
Russell Wiley, QA Tester At Id Software
Rutledge Daugette, CEO At TechRaptor
Ryan Alpert-Lowy, Producer
Ryan Bissonnette
Ryan Boyle
Ryan Kelly
Ryan Lee
Ryan McDiarmid
Ryan McNeal
Ryan Nurse
Ryan Sheasby, QA Tester At Boneloaf
Ryan Shim, Ubisoft
Ryan Tatum, Associate PR Manager
Ryan Thompson, Michigan State University
Ryan Woodward
Rémi Forcadell
Rémi Verschelde
Rémy Devaux, Founder Of PUNKCAKE Délicieux
Rômulo Gomes Souza Marques Dos Santos, Lead Programmer At Ota Imon Studio
S. Binder
SK, Senior Geraphics Engineer
Saam Pahlavan
Sabine Harrer, Games Researcher At The  University Of Vienna
Sabine Herzog
Sabrina Pacheco, Student Artist/Animator
Sachin Chauhan
Sadie Boyd, Senior 2D Artist
Sadie Combs
Saeed Alfalasi
Saf Davidson, Lead Narrative Designer
Safa Manan
Sage Coffey, Artist/Story Editor
Sahil Bajaj, Writer And Narrative Designer, Currently Freelance Journalist  At Fanbyte
Said Mozamil Sadat
Saif Alden Mahmoud Hassan Khalifa
Saif Rehman, Microsoft
Sak Abdi
Salaar Kohari, Gameplay Programmer @ Santa Monica Studio
Salah-Eddine Loucif, QA Engineer
Salahuddin Vahed
Salama Balah
Saleem Dabbous, KO_OP
Salem Ventola
Salim French
Sally Beaumont, Voice Actor & Game Writer
Salma Ashfaq
Salman Shurie, Gesinimo Games
Salomé Moreira García
Sam B
Sam Bass
Sam Blye
Sam Bowman
Sam Coen, Localisation QA Tester
Sam D'Elia
Sam Herndon, Jewish-American Freelance Rendering Artist
Sam Malabre, Staff Member At The UCLA Game Lab
Sam Martinelli,
Sam Ortiz
Sam Suite
Sam Swain, Apparance Studios, CEO
Sam Woods
Sam, Game Developer
Samantha Greer, Former Games Journalist/Freelance Video Editor
Samantha Lewis, Junior Dev Tester
Samantha Nye
Samantha Wren
Samanthuel Gillson, Character Designer
Sami Shakkour, VR Developer, Arab American University
Sami'a Muhammad-Hunter
Samir Kazah, Indie Game Dev
Sammy Khan
Samuel Boucher, Designer At KO_OP
Samuel Gopie, Sheridan College
Samuel Huylebroeck
Samuel Mitchell
Samuel Mottershaw
Samuel Thomson
Samuel Wilkins
Samuel Yao, Input Eater Creations
Sana Kausar, 3D Environment Artist
Sandra "Maxi" Molina
Sandra Dauber
Saniya Ahmed
Santeri Soininen, Senior Environment Artist At Sad Owl Studios
Santiago Gil Moya, Arcadehead
Santiago Peirolo, Lead Developer/Founder At Hellworks Team
Saqina Latif, Persona Theory Games
Sara Ploense
Sara Wael Saleh
Sarah Crowe
Sarah Dakdouk
Sarah Latta, Producer
Sarah Morris, Concept Artist
Sarah Nolan
Sarah Robinson, Associate Art Director
Sarah Roddam
Sarah Taylor
Sasha Roper
Sasha Szpakowski
Satish Shewhorak, Games Lecturer
Savannah Griffin
Saúl Parra, Productor At Cuicui Studios
Scoffy Nakai, Nakaisoft Lead Developer
Scott Inglis, Senior Software Engineer, Kabam
Scott McCrae
Scott Sutherland, Team17
Scott Wilson
Seamus Ly
Sean Ayrton
Sean Campbell
Sean Concannon, Animator For DANG!
Sean Dick, Puppy Truck Programmer
Sean Garmer
Sean Halliday
Sean Kennedy
Sean LaValle
Sean Lama, Ubisoft
Sean MacLean
Sean Reany
Seb Downie-Blackwell, Managing Director - IT Matters Games
Seb Marty, Creative Director
Sebastian Bolinger
Sebastian Courtney
Sebastian Yūe, Freelance Tabletop Roleplaying Game Designer
Sebastián Franchini, Freelance Artist With Experience In Videogames
Seif Eldeen Basheir Ahmed
Sena Bryer
Sergi Díaz, UI Programmer At Larian Studios
Sergio Cornaga
Sergio Raos
Seth Anderson, Programmer At Stormhaven Studios
Seth Rosen, Game Director, Ironwood Studios
Seth S Scott, Perfect Hat
Seven Larson, Functional QA Tester
Seyed Nasrollahi, Founder At Unifiq Games
Shaan Khan
Shabnam Goodarzi
Shafiul Islam-Mehdi
Shah-Rukh Faridi
Shahmirr Mirza
Shahrin Khan, Lead Producer @ Visai Games
Shakti Das, Level Designer At Sanzaru Games/Meta
Shalina G
Shane Gaffney
Shane Yach, Independent Gamedev
Shania Williams
Shawn Robinson, Freelance Games Journalist
Shay Thompson, Freelance/Presenter
Shaylyn Hamm, Senior Character Artist At Possibility Space
Shayna Moon, Jewish-American Games Producer
Shehan Amarasekera
Shelley Lowe
Sherida Halatoe
Sherveen Uduwana
Shila Vikström, Executive Producer
Shirin Makhloufi
Shonte Daniels, Narrative Designer
Shwan Johnson
Si F Sweetman, Concept Artist
Siddhant Pandey
Sidra R
Sierra Jones
Silas Fore
Silver Fleming
Simariliun L.K, Design Director
Simon Christiansen, Indie Developer
Simon Cutajar
Simon Gigant, Tools Programmer, Fireplace Games
Simon Norman
Simon Ochsenius, Technical Animator, Avalanche Studios Group
Simon Renshaw, Senior QA
Simon Sefton
Simon Todeschini, Senior Programmer
Simone Pisano, QA Tester - Amplitude Studios
Sisi Jiang
Sitara Shefta
Sivaram Krishnan, Co-Founder, Illicit Peanuts
Siyabonga Siluma
Soffiyah Orewole
Sofia Bragaglia
Sofia Eliseeva
Sofía González Muñoz, Music, Communication And Technology Master Graduate At The UiO (thesis On Video Game Sound Design)
Soham Kar, Narrative Designer At High Moon Studios
Sol Martínez Solé, La Madriguera LGBT+ & Game Dev Galaxy
Sol Williams
Sonat Uzun, Game Developer
Sonja LaRosa
Sonny Moore
Soojin Paek
Sophia Madison Cyr
Sophia Thurmond, Gameplay Engineer
Sophie Artemigi
Sophie Leon
Sophie Rossetti
Sophie Tiydani
Soria Etienne, Engine Programmer
Souren Papazian
Spencer Baughman, Writer At Attempting Entertainment
Srayan Jana
Stas Silva
Stef Pinto
Stefan Gagne, Fiction Factory Games
Stefan Pace
Stefanie G-Dube, UX Game Designer
Stella Chung, IGN
Stephan Voigt
Stephanie Aligbe, Software Engineer At Respawn Entertainment
Stephanie Bedford, Senior Producer
Stephanie Chreif, Games Reviewer On YouTueb
Stephanie Ijoma, Consultant CEO/Founder, NNESAGA
Stephen Badrick
Stephen Bell
Sterling Rios, Tech Designer, Blizzard
Steve Emberton
Steveen Molina, 3D Artist
Steven Hopkins, One Million Machine
Steven Murray
Steven Nguyen Scaife
Stuart Heater
Stuart Oatley, Gameplay Programmer
Stéphane Rappeneau, COO Hawkswell Studios
Suhail Chada, Animator, RiffRaff Games
Sule Nur Karaaslan
Sumayyah Daud
Summer Geist, Indie Game Designer
Sura Karnawi
Suriel Vazquez
Susie Buchan, Producer - Biome Collective & Community Manager - Bit Loom
Suzanne Clemente, Game Designer (Felis Major Studio)
Suzanne Will
Swaiba Faisal
Sweetdew S
Sydney Smith
Syed Rehan Moinuddin Quadri, Architect
Sylvette Rosario Tellado, 3D Artist
Sébastien Béné, Linux Devops At Ubisoft
Sébastien DOLBEAU
Taha Khalid Bahadin, College Of Medicine University Of Garmian
Tait Huddy
Tajh DeShawn Fletcher
Takeshi Takahashi
Takuma Okada
Talita Rhein
TamTu Bui
Tamara Corbett
Tameron G R Fawcett
Tamoor Hussain
Tamás Fehér
Tanat Boozayaangool
Tandille Nathan, Lead QA & Assistant Producer At UMANIMATION
Tanner Fox Hovis-Johnson
Tanya X. Short, Captain Of Kitfox Games
Tara Ogaick, UI Designer, Ko_op
Tara Quinsac
Tarek EL Khalil, Tools Programmer At Ubisoft
Tarek Haidar, Founder
Tarja Porkka-Kontturi
Tarran Stockton, Senior Guides Writer, GGRecon
Tatsuya Morita-Ahad
Tauriq Moosa
Tavos Mata Machado, PhD., Long Hat House/Narrative Designer; Independent Scholar
Taylor Dale Wright
Taylor Dinh
Taylor McCue, Game Developer
Tayyab Zaman
Ted DiNola, Meta, Metaverse Content Team
Ted Litchfield, Associate Editor, PC Gamer
Tedd Williamson
Teddy Lawrence
Tekena Travis
Tess Everman
Tezay Aydemir
Thaïs Arias, Game Designer At Seed By Seed, Co-founder Of Collectif Mauvaises Herbes
Theo Barklam
Theo Rapu
Theo Verpillat, Quest Designer
Therisse Amunatigui, Composer, Pillow Fight
Theron Howard
Thiago Baptista, Narrative Director At Trialforge Studio
Thom Cote
Thomas Crowther
Thomas Cunliffe
Thomas Edwards
Thomas Evan Pramuditha
Thomas Gonzalez, Freelance Game Designer
Thomas Hughes
Thomas Jager, Operations Director At BlackMill Games
Thomas McGuinness
Thomas Murray
Thomas Planques, Director At Ikigai
Thomas Van Den Akker
Thor Andreassen
Théo Merlier, Game Artist
Théophile Garnier, Assoupi
Ti Rodrigues
Tiago Jackson
Tim Cullings
Tim Griffith, Gameplay Programmer, Brass Lion Entertainment
Tim Maccabe, Design Lead At Blue Key Games
Tim Orman
Tim Raveling, Seria Ludo Podcast, Firemark Foundry
Timi Ofarn, The Nerd Council
Timo Reinecke
Tin Warc,
Tina Liu, COO At Kitfox Games
Tina T
Tiphaine Hardy
Tj Hughes, Creative Lead At Terrifying Jellyfish
Tobey Burbidge, Samobee Games, Partner/Programmer
Tobias Alden
Tobias Koepp
Toby Do, Game Design Professor At UC Irvine
Toby Rogers
Tom Caswell, GameSpot, Video Producer
Tom Colston
Tom Hughes, Lead Narrative Designer At Great Ape Games
Tom Hutchings
Tom Krebs
Tom Martin, Narrative Designer, Moon Moose/TinyBuild
Tom Methven
Tom Orden, Indie Game Designer
Tom Pedalino, Lead Level Designer At Double Eleven
Tom Victor, KO_OP
Tom Vinita
Tomás Neumann Aspée
Tony Coculuzzi, Innersloth
Tony Howard-Arias, Co-founder, Black Tabby Games
Tony Vu
Tori Collins, QA Tester At Bethesda
Tosha Tyler
Tracy Annin Carrithers, Monolith Productions, Associate Producer
Tracy Runanin-Telle
Trey Allen, Creative Director, Hidden Lever Games
Tris Winters
Tristan Solaro, Kylotonn
Tristan Zelden, Games/Movie/Tv Journalist
Troy Docouto
Troy Lee
Tshombe McCrary
Tube Trend
Tyler Browne
Tyler Colp, Associate Editor, PC Gamer
Tyler Flom
Tyler Hall
Tyler Owens, Build And Release Engineer
Tyler Robertson, IGN
Tyler Souza, Game Developer
Tyler Trulson
Tyler Vanderhorst
Udara CS
Ugo Schiapparelli, Gameplay Programmer
Ugo Trelis, Game Designer And Researcher At UQAM
Ulysse Philippeau, Generalist Game Artist
Unna Mörn, Game Designer - EA DICE
Uzair Syed, Guides Writer @PSN Profiles
V Gopakumar
VCD, Founder/Lead Developer
Val Pence
Valentina Pineda, Junior 3D Environment Artist
Valerio Marty, Technical Artist
Valery North, Solo Developer/creator
Valtteri Nietula, Tools Coordinator
Vanessa Brasfield, Crystal Dynamics
Vastonik, D-Cell Games, Composer & SFX Designer
Ve Herrmann
Veikka Saaristo, Level Designer At Fishlabs
Ven Jacobs
Veronica Martinez, QA
Vicki Tingle, Writer At Canteen
Vicky Potts
Victor Cardoso, 3D Artist
Victor Follador, Game Developer At Vikintor
Victor Jesus Arroyo Reyes, Bucefalo Games, Game Developer
Victor Lahlou, DevteamLife Author
Victor Pham
Victoria Gómez-Morgan
Victoria H.
Vida Starčević, Remedy Entertainment
Vince Ooi, Marketing
Vincent Dupont, QA Analyst
Vincent Kinian
Vinny R, UCLA Gamelab Member
Violeta Moldes Rivas, Co-founder Of Resistència Videolúdica
Vitor De Magalhaes
Vitor De Oliveira Castanheira, Gameplay Programmer
Vitz Patel
Vivian Astra Schmidt
Vlada Monakhova
Vladymyr Jones
VoidHeart Gamers, Voidheartgamers
Víctor Rubio I Maturana, Co-Founder Of Resistència VideoLúdica
Wade Ronspies, Lore Party Media
Wael Yeferni, Game Designer
Wahab Quazi, Animation Director At Contingency Team
Walid Beldi, A Worker In A Company
Walid Doudech, Gamer
Walid Sidi Said
Wallace Truesdale II
Walter Williams
Wan Amirul Adlan, Game Journalist And Critic
Wan NurFarah Husna Binti Wan Yahya, English Teacher
Warren Hwang, UI Artist
Warren Kreck
Wayne Dabrowski
Wayne Renner III
Wei Yin
Wei-Hung Cheng, Activity Designer, Bungie
Will Bowerman
Will Butler, PhD Researcher
Will Housell, Freelance Designer
Will Hurst
Will K, Environment Artist
Will McNeese
Will Uhl
Willa Rowe, Inverse
William Antonysen, Rmit Game Design Student
William Hellwarth, CEO GoodbyeWorld Games
William KH, Blizzard Cinematics
William M Patterson, Writer, Big Daddy Gaming
William Perkins, Creative Director At CONTINUE
William Powell
William Taylor
Wills Blackett, Indie
Wim Lauryssen
Wissam Attieh
Wissam Hamd, Developer
Wissam Merhi, Amateur Game Developer
Wyn Evans
Xavier Coelho-Kostolny, Character Customization Lead, Hidden Path Entertainment
Xavier P, ForteXP
Yaffle, Lowpolis
Yalmaz Abdullah
Yann KUKOLEWSKY, Game Designer
Yann Poule, Ubisoft
Yannis Attard, Programer At Seed By Seed
Yara Ghawadrah
Yaser Hussain, VFX Director
Yasir Al Balushi
Yasmin, Animator
Yasmine Batniji
Yassine SHILI
Yaya/Yahya Osama, Avid Gamer
Ying, Gaming Content Creator
Yoann Potinet, Tools Programmer, Eidos Montreal
Yohann Ouattara
Yorgos Dritsas, Game Designer
Yosha Noesjirwan
Yousef Metwally, Games Software Engineer
Youssef Amazzal
Youssef Garcia-Maguid, Ubisoft
Youssef Haji
Youssef Khatib, Game Designer
Yuki Husken
Yuriy Plisenko
Yury Brennor
Yusuf K
Zach Borders
Zach Jordan, Concept Artist
Zachary Curtis, Gameplay Programmer
Zachary Flores
Zachary Hewlett
Zachary Pope
Zack Daniels, SeriouslyAverageGamers
Zackary Schneider
Zackery Cuevas
Zaid Somji
Zakami Tesro
Zakaria Al Moktar
Zaria M
Zavian Porter, Associate Level Design Director
Zeggy Whatley, Code Coven
Ziad El-Rady
Ziad Hesham
Zilong Ye
Zion Grassl
Zoe Calamar
Zoe Chambre, Tools Programmer At Ubisoft
Zoe S
Zora Lassen
Zoram Mercado, Latinx In Gaming
Zuzanna Zarod
Álvaro Cordeiro
Álvaro García
Émile Brodeur, President At Lucid Tales
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