Espression Arts Children's Consent Form
Thank you for booking a place for your child to attend our Children's Art Club. If you are filling in this form you will have booked and paid online for your child to attend a workshop. 

If you haven't secured a place on an event or workshop then please go back to the events page on our website. 

This information will be kept confidential on a secure database between October 2022 and September 2023 and will only be shared with relevant Espression Arts Staff and Volunteers.  

After a year your form will be deleted, should any details change during the coming year and you book another workshop with us, please let us know any changes.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Childs Name *
First and last name
Parent or Carers Name (filling in this form) *
Address *
Childs Date of Birth *
Parent or Carers Email *
Mobile Phone Number: *
Home Phone Number: *
Name of Next of Kin in an emergency, and relationship with you? *
Telephone Number of Next of Kin, in an emergency? *
Does your child have any allergies to foods we should know about when it comes to snacks and drinks at the club?
Does your child have any conditions or medical diagnosis which we should know about and would help us to offer your child the best creative experience they can have? 

Photo Consent - I consent for my child to have the following, as long as they participate in the project or until I notify Espression Arts CIC of any changes to my preference. 


I understand these images, recordings, and evaluation data could appear in any Espression Arts publicity and evaluation reports. These include websites, social media, printed publications, promotional displays, advertisements, in the local press, and online promotions, including websites of partners and funders. Where appropriate, images, data, and feedback will be anonymised.

Consent can be withdrawn on request. 

Thank you for filling in this Children's Art Club Consent form. 
More Information
Contact should you need more information or to ask a question.

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Please head to to subscribe to our mailing list in order to find out about other events and creative opportunities coming up.

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