Volunteer Registration for Press In
Welcome to the Volunteer Registration form for Press-In! We appreciate your interest in contributing your time and skills to make Press-In a memorable and successful event.

This form serves as an official registration platform for individuals interested in volunteering for Press-In. By completing this form, you are expressing your commitment and interest in contributing to the successful execution of Press-In  activities.
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Full Name
Email Address *
Contact Number with Country Code (Preferably for WhatsApp) *
In which department do you want to volunteer
To be part of our medical team, we require individuals who have a background or experience in the medical field. This requirement is essential to ensure that we can provide the necessary expertise and high-quality services people deserve.
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 How did you hear about  Press-In?
What is your t-shirt size
Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee selection as a volunteer. Prospective candidates who meet our criteria will receive communication from us and will have the opportunity to engage in a conversation with the team leader. We have limited spaces available and once we reach the target number, applications will be closed.
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