JKM Center Rentals
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Name of Applicant *
Contact Name if Applicant is Organization
Phone Number (Please include multiple if it is different throughout the day) *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Email *
Spaces Need *
Date of Event *
Time of Event *
Proposed Use *
Estimated Daily Attendance *
Is your organization registered as a non-profit?
If so, proof must be provided.
Is your organization registered as tax exempt, non-profit?
Please enter Tax ID in other.
Does this rental cover multiple dates?
Please enter how many in other
Does the proposed event require set-up prior to date of event? *
Does the proposed event include food and beverage vendors?
Please enter how many in other
Does the proposed event include merchandise vendors? *
Please enter how many in other
Does the proposed event anticipate alcohol sale? *
Please enter how many in other
Does the proposed event include any form of publicity? *
Please enter how many in other
Total Cost
Total cost will be determined by staff prior to event. A security deposit will also be required and determined by staff prior to event.
Signature *
Date *
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