Add a group to the drivewaychoir website
Fill out this form if you'd like to add to the "Who's Doing It" page at .

Please enter your email address so that we can communicate about updating the website. We aren't going to post your email address onto the website.
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Email *
Your name *
Name of group *
What's the name of the group?  If there is no group name, you could just put your full name here.
About the group *
a paragraph to introduce your group to the world
Location *
What country and state?  Optionally, what city?
Getting started (optional)
What's the story of how your group started using technology to make music together?
What are your recent successes and challenges? What do you plan to do next?
Audio system (optional)
a brief description of the audio equipment you use
URL of photo/audio/video (optional)
Any other info? (optional)
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