Registration for Attending National Dialogue on the 75th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in Tanzania- Rethinking the Past , Present and the Future of Human Rights Promotion and Protection in Tanzania
Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) in collaboration with the University of Dar es Salaam School of Law (UDSoL) is organizing a 2-day national conference that will take place in Dar es Salaam on 23rd and 24th November 2023 at the University of Dar es Salaam Library to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The national conference aims to bring together human rights defenders, government officials, academicians, politicians, the international community, religious institutions, and civil society organizations to professionally reflect on the future of human rights promotion and protection in Tanzania.  
During the conference there will be presentations of different papers with the theme: “Rethinking the Past, Present and Future of the Human Rights Journey in Tanzania”.
To be part of the conference, kindly register your participation by filling in the form below. Please Note that participation is self-financing. THRDC or UDSoL will not refund any cost incurred by the participant in attending the conference. This registration is open to all (HRD, Student, Organization/CSO, individuals), there is no fee or any restrictions.

Mtandao wa Watetezi wa Haki za Binadamu Tanzania (THRDC) na kwa kusirikiana na Shule ya Sheria, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, (UDSoL) wameandaa Mdahalo wa Kitaifa wa siku mbili (2), tarehe 23 and 24 ya mwezi Novemba, 2023 katika Ukumbi wa Maktaba ya Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam, kuadhimisha mika 75 ya Tamko la Kimataifa la Haki za Binadamu (UDHR).  Mdahalo huo unalenga kuwaleta pamoja, Watetezi wa Haki za Binadamu, Viongozi wa Kiserikali, Wanazuoni na Wanataaluma,Wanasiasa, Jamii ya Kimataifa,  Taasisi za Kidini na Asasi za Kiraia na Mashirika yasiyo ya Kiserikali, katika kuakisi ukuaji na ulinzi wa Haki za Binadamu nchini Tanzania
Wakati wa Mkutano kutakuwa na mawasilisho ya mada mbalimbali, ambazo zitahusu ujumbe wa; Kufikiri juu ya Safari ya Haki za Binadamu nchini Tanzania, tuliko toka, tulipo sasa na tunako elekea.
Ili kuwa sehemu na mshiriki wa mkutano huu, tafadhali sajili ushiriki wako kwa kujaza fomu hapo chini.  Tafadhali kumbuka kuwa ushiriki ni wakujigharamia, THRDC au UDSoL, haito lipa fidia au kutoa malipo ya gharama zozote kwa washiriki. Kujisajili ni wazi kwa mtu binafsi, shirika, mwanafunzi au mtu yeyote na hakuna gharama ya kujisajili.
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Kindly Introduce Yourself / Tafadhali Jitambulishe wewe ni nani.

Your Full Names /Jina  Lako Kamili *
Your organization name if any (please write it in full) / Taasi unayotoka (kwa wenyeshirika)
Region / Mkoa

District / Wilaya

Your Email / Barua pepe

Your Phone number / Namba ya simu

What thematic area does your organization deal with? (for those with organisations) Kindly select one. / Ni eneo gani la haki za binadamu taasisi yako hujihuisha nalo? (Hii ni kwa wale wenye mashirika tu) Tafadhali chagua moja

Do you think this conference will benefit you/your organization? / Unafikiri mkutano huu una manufaa kwako/taasisi yako?
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If YES, please explain how this conference will be of benefit to you/your organisation. / Ikiwa NDIO, tafadhali eleza ni kivipi mkutano huu utakunufaisha wewe/taasisi yako.
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