Application for coworking space at AGENCY@CIC: worldwide innovation for living longer & aging better!
Growing older is inevitable; dreading it doesn't have to be.  

AGENCY is 'ecosystem-as-a-service' with a powerful combination of coworking + programming + concierge connections, all focused on aging and longevity innovation. AGENCY operates at CIC (, with seed funding from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and strategic partners. We welcome cross-sector innovators to work side-by-side to build businesses and scale ideas into commercial successes that help elders, families, caregivers, communities, companies, and institutions thrive in the longevity economy.

Apply here to cowork at AGENCY @CIC , or as an AGENCY Connector and join our growing community!
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Email *
The Basics
Applying on behalf of:
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Company Name *
Company Mission (~1 sentence) *
Company Description (e.g. products/services/markets/tech/target customers etc.) *
Company Website URL
Company LinkedIN or Facebook URL
Crunchbase URL
URL(s) to your company pitch deck, video, kickstarter, etc.
Company @twitter handle
Company location
City, State, Country
Founded date *
Number of employees
The People
Tell us who you are and what you're about
Founder #1 Name (first and last) *
Founder #1 LinkedIN
Founder #1 age
Founder #1 gender
Founder #2 Name (first and last)
Founder #2 LinkedIN
Founder #2 age
Founder #2 gender
Additional Founders (name, LinkedIN, age, gender)
Your origin story / inspiration / raison d'etre for building a company focused on aging & longevity *
Awards, Incubators, Accelerator programs, Press, etc.
AGENCY is a collegial community: What expertise / insights / resources etc. are you open to sharing?   What do you need from the community to help you achieve your company milestones?
The Business Case
Company Type *
Business Model
Growth Stage
Clear selection
Funding Status *
Total Funding to date $
Annual Revenue *
Aging & Longevity Focus Area(s)
check all that apply!
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