OPIRG Brock 2024 Volunteer Form
By filling out this form, you are expressing interest in volunteering with OPIRG Brock during the 2024 year. 

This question has 3 sections: Contact Information, Volunteer Options & Details, and Other.This survey will likely take you around 5-10 minutes to complete.

Upon completion of this form, you will receive a response from the OPIRG Brock team within 1-2 weeks.

This form covers all of the OPIRG Brock volunteer teams, including the Niagara Free Store team. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Contact Information
Name *
Pronouns *
Please select all that apply related to your position(s)/ role(s) in the Niagara region. *
Email you are comfortable with having shared with other members of your volunteer team *
Phone number (not required)
How did you hear about OPIRG Brock? (If you were recommended by board member, staff, or current volunteer, please list that person). *
Have you previously volunteered/ worked with OPIRG Brock? *
Are you a current OPIRG Brock member? Fill out the membership form at: opirgbrock.com/membership *
Please list any accessibility matters/ accommodations that would best support you while volunteering. (Please only share what you are comfortable with sharing.)
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