Hoosier Leadership Application 2023
The purpose of the Hoosier Leadership Series is to create a movement of high-caliber, committed leaders from across the professional spectrum who are grounded in a principled conservative philosophy and oriented toward thoughtful cultural engagement and service to the people of Indiana and beyond.

For more details on what the Hoosier Leadership series entails, click here.
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I understand my time obligation from April 2023 to October 2023 as outlined in these documents. I also understand that my attendance at the HLS monthly session and events is important to the success of the class. I acknowledge that should I miss more than one of these events, I may not graduate from the class. I recognize that my $600 class fee goes to rentals, and other fees associated with the class set-up, and is non-refundable. I promise to come to each meeting prepared with any completed monthly assignments as a catalyst for my personal and professional development.
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