OMGTech! Mana Tangata Programme Application Form
Apply by using our entry form or if you prefer you can record a video answering the questions below. Email the video to
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Name *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Address - Postal and Home *
Ethnicity *
Email *
Phone Number *
School Name *
Tell us about yourself! 100 words or less *
What are your strengths? What are you good at? *
Why do you want to be involved in this programme?  100 words or less *
In this programme, you will get a mentor. What are you looking for in a mentor? 100 words or less
Why are learning leadership skills important to you? 100 words or less *
How much do you know about tech already?  
What tech are you interested in learning about? 100 words or less
What do you think will be the most important technology in the next 10 years? (250 words or fewer) *
Do you know anybody working in the technology sector? If so, what do they do? *
What is one tech idea you think could change the world for good or positively impact your community? 250 words or less or up to 3 minute YouTube video - (Include link) *
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