IN-4-AHA: Scale Up Model feedback and input
The IN-4-AHA consortium is formulating a scale-up model for stakeholders to use in order to scale up their innovative practices and solutions in the health and care sector. The innovation scale-up model is aimed to the lead the organizational and behavioural change in respective authorities to meet the needs of suppliers and demand-side, and help innovative solutions reach the community with shorter time.

The main aim is that all stakeholders would be involved in the design process at the right time. But when is the right time and what input is needed and from who?  We would like to invite you to give your feedback to the design process from your needs perspective so that all service providers and innovators can benefit from the scale-up model when providing solutions (service, innovation, product) to support active and healthy ageing.
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1. Please specify which type of stakeholder you are: *
2. Does the current version of the model contain all elements necessary for scaling up innovation in the AHA field? *
3. Is the model comprehensive and functional for all stakeholders? *
4. Which would be the appropriate and feasible user interface for the model? *
4. Do you have any suggestions and/or comments on the presented scale-up model (presented in the 16.03.2022 workshop)?  
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It is possible to forward your name and e-mail if you would like to be involved in our stakeholder database and/or in the IN-4-AHA scale-up model focus group.

If you would like to get involved, please specify your name and e-mail below.
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We appreciate your input.

If you would like to be added to the IN-4-AHA database and receive more information about IN-4-AHA activites (events, calls, etc.), please register your interest on the following link: 
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