Experiences of Racism, Sexism and Bias in Mentoring & Coaching Relationships
We are grateful to you for taking a few minutes to share your experiences with us. We are taking several measures to ensure that our own coaching and mentoring programs are safe, inclusive, diverse and anti-racist. As we learn, we also intend to share our learnings with the wider coaching and mentoring field.

We understand that within coaching and mentoring, it's common for micro-aggressions, subtle cultural-incompetence, and blatant racism, sexism, and bias to take place. Yet, most programs do not explicitly ask participants to provide specific feedback on the above; indeed we only recently began asking this question about our own programs. This data has gone un-collected for a long time. (If you know of studies, please share with us at jenroberts@conspirecoaching.com).

Any anecdotes you share will be used with the explicit purpose of helping coaches and mentors, and those who train and support them, to understand what microaggressions, racism, sexism and bias look like in context of these supportive relationships. We understand that these experiences may have occurred within overall positive and helpful relationships.  

This survey is completely anonymous. We will not ask for your personal information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to be in touch. We will be happy to share our findings, and you'll have the option to request access to our findings at the end of this survey.

The survey has three parts: 1. Description of Self/ Demographics, 2. Mentor/Coach Demographics and 3. Learning from Your Experience.

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