Alan Higgins Award

Presented annually to an early career scientist in recognition of significant achievement in applied and industrial micropalaeontology.

Alan Charles Higgins (1936–2004) was a micropalaeontologist and expert on conodonts who made major contributions to Palaeozoic biostratigraphy and helped firmly establish the value of micropalaeontology in hydrocarbon exploration. He was the founding member of TMS, its past Chairman and Honorary Member.

The Alan Higgins Award is given to an early career scientist, less than 10 years from graduation (excluding career breaks), in recognition of significant achievement in the field of applied and industrial micropalaeontology, as documented by publications, software, patents, leadership or educational activities. We value, welcome and encourage applications for this award from those in academia and industry alike.  

The award will be presented at the Micropalaeontology Society’s Annual General Meeting held in November each year. The award has a value of £300, but more importantly, it is meant to serve as a substantive endorsement of the value of the recipient’s work made by their peers. The first award was made in 2010.

To make a nomination, please complete this form. All applications must be received by the 28th February each year.

All nominations will be considered at the Spring TMS Committee meeting. Nominations must be made in the strictest confidence and the person nominated should not be informed. Nominations can be made by any TMS member. Nominees need not be TMS members

Unsuccessful nominations will be retained for re-assessment the following year, with the option for the nomination to be updated. After this, resubmission is possible for a further year assuming that the individual remains eligible (three submissions total). 

We additionally expect nominees to adhere to the Nolan Principles of Public Life. We remind nominators that TMS is a signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment

For any further information or any questions please contact the TMS secretary at

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Nominee name  *
Nominee e-mail address *
Nominees affiliation (e.g., University, Business) *
Date and place of graduation (i.e., completion date of last university degree) *
If applicable, please give brief details of any career breaks (e.g., parental or medical leave, or career changes that may mean that the nominee is more than ten years from graduation).
Please outline briefly (max. 500 words) how you feel the nominee has contributed to the field of applied and industrial micropalaeontology. Examples of applied micropalaeontology include, but are not limited to, biostratigraphy, environmental monitoring and environmental management. The nomination should include explicit examples of the applications of the nominee’s research beyond publications. You may include links to relevant online research outputs here, e.g., databases or papers but a CV of the individual is not required. If you wish to submit any other supporting evidence for the case that is not available online then please send it as a PDF to the TMS Secretary (
Date of Nomination
Name of Primary Nominator (must be TMS Member) *
Relationship to Nominee *
Name of Secondary nominator (does not need to be a TMS member) *
Relationship to Nominee *
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