Blogging Salone Masterclass - October 2019 Edition
Please fill out the form to officially register for the blogging Salone Masterclass to be held in Freetown on Saturday October 12, 2019 at 9 am. This first class can only take 50 people so the first 50 people to register will be accommodated. If YOU DO NOT PLAN TO ATTEND please do not register as you will unnecessarily take up space intended for others. Thank you.
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How old are you? *
Which of the following do you own? *
How would you rate your blogging level? *
Which of the following applies to you *
Which social media platform are you on? *
What is your English language proficiency? *
What other local languages are you fluent in? *
Are you interested in blogging for an online publication as a volunteer? *
What do you hope to learn from this blogging Masterclass? *
How did you find out about this blogging program *
If you were to start your own blog today what kind of blog would you like to start? *
What other masterclasses would you like to attend? *
Phone Number ( for call
If you would like to join the Blogging Salone WhatsApp Group Share Your Number Below *
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