How Do I Make My WordPress Website Searchable on Google
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The Best WordPress Plugins for Search Engine Optimization for Your Website. You want to get your website found by potential customers, clients or patients. Or maybe you are an agency looking for the best intel on the newest options for improving your clients’ SEO. Our comprehensive, unsurpassed-in-detail plugin reviews and comparisons will ensure you make the right choice when selecting a WP SEO Plugin for your website.

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Alright, let's be honest. You weren't expecting a silly blog site like WordPress to drive more traffic to your site, were you? You certanly weren't expecting anything that's FREE to get you more business, right? Surprise! WordPress can do all of that AND MORE! Here are the 5 Strange Ways WordPress Can Get You More Customers:

#5. Go Viral - Ever have a site so strange or out there that people can't help talking about it? Something that is so far outside your comfort zone that you smile and almost apologize when people see it - but that makes you a CRAPLOAD of sales?

NO? I have. This very site use to be black and neon pink. The header was of a half-naked woman (her lower torso) and the phrase Marketing for Men with the B*lls to Get Rich (the site targeted male business owners specifically). Keep in mind I'm a woman. Having ANYTHING half-naked on my site was outside my comfort zone.

But guess what happened? First of all, the site went totally viral. I mean that I didn't have to pay one red cent for marketing and had a waiting list over 6 months long.

Secondly, and I didn't see this coming, most of the people who contacted me to have marketing material one were WOMEN. Turns out, women felt that I was poking fun at men. Men felt like I was talking on a level they understood. Between the two, I made more money in 6 months than I'd made my entire copywriting career beforehand.

Going viral was the best way I coulda gotten the word out about my marketing services. But trends change and in order to remain on top, I gotta change too (and so should you). Which leads me to point #4...

#4: Being Flexible - One of the great things about WordPress is that you can switch, change, and customize your skin/theme on the site to suit whatever's hot at that second - without having to change the words or usability of your site. That's why I work as fast as I do - trends can disappear like a fart in the wind (weren't expecting me to write that, huh?) and if you want to remain on the cutting edge, you have to work quickly too.

Granted, no one's gonna go to your site and say, Well, I was going to buy their widget, but they're using fall colors and its almost summer or whatever. If they're that picky, did you really want them as customers to begin with? (I'll help you with the easy questions) Um, NO. But by being willing (and able) to change the look and feel of your site almost overnight, you're assured a top spot in your particular niche (and that's a great position to be in!)

#3: Get Searchable! - I've told you before that WordPress makes it easier to get ranked in the search engines like Google and Bing. Wanna know why? (Doesn't matter cause I'm gonna tell you anyway.) Here's the thing: the search engines send out these
obots and spiders (their names, not mine) that crawl through your website, looking for ideas to what your site is about, and then they file that information away in their databases.

When someone types in a certain keyword (like dog grooming), the database instantly pulls up a list of sites they've crawled that have to do with dog grooming (some VERY relevant to the topic, some miss the mark entirely).

But here's the key...Most sites that are put on the ol' World Wide Web don't DO anything. They have a home page that's been the same since 2007 and nothing on the site is ever updated. So the robots and spiders crawl the site, get the gist of the topic, and MAYBE come back every 6 months or so to make sure that's what's still going on...and most of the time, the site looks exactly the same.

WordPress is totally different. You can update your home page on the fly, create a new blog post, add a new page...and it keeps those spiders coming back a LOT more often (I've trained mine to come back every other day)!

This translates into their database thinking, Wow. These guys are happening! This is a site that is constantly updated, so the material stays relevant and fresh! We gotta come back more often to make sure we stay on top of what they've got going on! The result? Your page gets ranked higher for the words you use most often on your site. You get ranked more often (ever see a search that has multiple results for the same website? Like that.)

Bottom line, it's a VERY good thing indeed.

#2: Look like a genius - Quick, it's the night before a major holiday. You just thought of a KILLER promotion that'll tie into exactly what's going on the next day. Do you have time to contact your webmaster and communicate to them exactly what you want done, wait 3 days for them to get to it (they were on vacation, don'tcha know) and by then the opportunity has passed.


Would you rather be able to hop onto your WordPress site, make the updates yourself, and the following day be able to roll out a brand new promotion that looks like you'd prepared for it all year? DUH! (Ok, help with the easy questions again) OF COURSE YOU WANNA DO WITHOUT the EVER-VACATIONING WEBGUY!

Don't get me wrong. There are certain things you really want someone else to do (that whole fear-of-breaking-something-you-don't-know-how-to-fix...that's what I'm here for.) But there's a BOATLOAD of changes and alterations you already know how to do (or a quick tutorial would show you how to do) to add pages or make changes on the fly!

And that leads us to the #1 Strange Way Your WordPress Site Will Get You More Customers (is that a drumroll in the background?

#1: Become a Social Gathering Place! Whuh?

Look, not ONLY can you have Twitter updates and comments on your blog all over your Wordpress site (in appropriate places, mind you)...but its CAKE EASY to add a forum where your readers can get into discussions (HELLO! It doesn't necessarily involve you writing anything!) about relevant topics that they can even create themselves!

How does this translate into more customers or even sales? It's a fact that the longer someone stays on your site, the more likely they are to buy. You're building a relationship with them through the words, pictures, videos, whatever on your site.

Get em to keep coming back because they want to see the latest comment, update, or question posted on a forum, Tweet, or blog posting and you're golden, my friend!

So what are you waiting for? This is only a SNAPSHOT of what your site is capable of! Head over to Big Cheese Marketing dot com right this second (while it's still fresh in your mind) and let's get the ball rolling!
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you can also ramp up traffic website rankings by submitting your URL to the massive 3 specifically Google, Yahoo and Live. While this updating occurs exercise patience as it might take weeks or months before your website can really be searchable on these search engines. Caution however is that often submitting your website may result in being banned. Remember also to have masses of content since engines love sites with heaps of content, particularly Google.
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WordPress is so powerful that 30% of the total websites of the world are powered by this platform. This includes personal websites and websites managed by huge businesses, such as NBC, the New York Post, Time Inc., and Sony, just to name a few. You can download this content management system free of charge. It offers tons of unique features that make it easier for you to build your website. Let's find out about some of the primary benefits of this platform. Read on to find out more.

1. Flexible and Adaptable

In the beginning, WordPress was designed to power blogs for online publishing. With the passage of time, it continued to become popular. Today, it is used for a wide variety of websites. It is an ideal choice for small businesses, large corporations, and personal blogs. As a matter of fact, WordPress is so flexible and adaptable that it is used by even the largest e-commerce stores you can find these days.Partly, it is because this platform supports a variety of free and premium plugins. So, you can choose any plugin based on your website. Apart from this, there is a huge collection of amazing themes.

2. User-friendly

This platform is so user-friendly that you don't need more than a few minutes to launch your website. And the beauty of this content management system is that it requires almost no technical expertise. You just need to get a domain name and a web hosting account. From there, you can manage your website through the admin dashboard. This system has all the features that you need to customize your website based on your personal preferences.

3. Tons of Themes

Another great benefit of this content management system is that it offers tons of options for you to fine-tune the look of your new website. For example, you can choose from a lot of premium themes based on the type of website you manage. You can preview the themes live in order to make the best choice. Therefore, you can rest assured that the theme will match the content of your site.

4. Lots of Plugins

WordPress offers a lot of elements to allow the creation of a basic website. However, if you need specialized functions, you can check out the plugin directory offered by this content management system. Based on the specific tasks you want to perform, you can use any of the hundreds of plugins offered free of charge. Other amazing features include contact forms, galleries, and shopping carts.

5. WordPress websites Rank High

If you want to rank high on major search engines including Google, make sure your website a searchable. WordPress websites rank high on major search engines compared to other websites. The reason is that these websites get updated on a regular basis. You can use a lot of tools and plugins in order to optimize your website for search engines.
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2. Open up your WordPress blog to Google. WordPress is a blog platform, but it is complex enough to look like a website and can function as a website and not just a blog. But since it is still a blog platform, Google needs permission to crawl though your website content. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks. Once you are there you can customize your WordPress to be searchable by Google.
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Raise traffic Website by learning to do SEO

As a internet site owner, you likely want to ramp up traffic website rating which will end in more money for you and your affiliates. Below are a few tips that you will find significant in making sure that you get more traffic than you presently have. One of these is use of correct HTML structure. While it may seem pretty basic to many web-masters, it's still extraordinary what percentage of them have deserted the normal and very efficient way of guaranteeing their pages have the right HTML parts and tagging. In order for search engines to understand what your pages are all about and index them accordingly, critical tags shouldn't be left out. These include the use of the title tag, the meta tag description tag and the meta keywords tag. Many search engines will also focus on what is inside header tags and will rank your pages with what's contained there.

you can also ramp up traffic website rankings by submitting your URL to the massive 3 specifically Google, Yahoo and Live. While this updating occurs exercise patience as it might take weeks or months before your website can really be searchable on these search engines. Caution however is that often submitting your website may result in being banned. Remember also to have masses of content since engines love sites with heaps of content, particularly Google.

Another common strategy that is helping to raise traffic website is blogging. Initially used for online journaling, blogs are now used as many-making machines. Most sites are building their credibility by posting helpful info on relevant blogs to lure folks to go to their site. In addition,blogs have also appeared as effective techniques of building credibility which will finally increase traffic website. Many webmasters have learnt to generate tones of traffic through effective blog commenting. However if not done right,it could be a waste of time.

Among the most vital criteria engines use to determine a site ranking position, particularly Google, is through link popularity. Google tries to see how many different websites have a link back to your internet site. However, there's more. The quality of the link is considered more vital. So, to increase traffic website, you need to have relevant quality links from important internet sites. Otherwise, Google will ignore links, without regard for how many if they are irrelevant to your website theme. If as an example your website talks about stock investments, find sites related to investment and other money related sites and seek partnerships with them through link exchange.

To increase traffic web site, consider also posting to message forums. By offering recommendation and solutions to Problems, you will become and 'expert' in your subject or field and a link back to your site will definitely result in increase traffic. Try out a number of these ideas and you may be generating traffic to your website in virtually no time.
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WordPress is so powerful that 30% of the total websites of the world are powered by this platform. This includes personal websites and websites managed by huge businesses, such as NBC, the New York Post, Time Inc., and Sony, just to name a few. You can download this content management system free of charge. It offers tons of unique features that make it easier for you to build your website. Let's find out about some of the primary benefits of this platform. Read on to find out more.

1. Flexible and Adaptable

In the beginning, WordPress was designed to power blogs for online publishing. With the passage of time, it continued to become popular. Today, it is used for a wide variety of websites. It is an ideal choice for small businesses, large corporations, and personal blogs. As a matter of fact, WordPress is so flexible and adaptable that it is used by even the largest e-commerce stores you can find these days.Partly, it is because this platform supports a variety of free and premium plugins. So, you can choose any plugin based on your website. Apart from this, there is a huge collection of amazing themes.

2. User-friendly

This platform is so user-friendly that you don't need more than a few minutes to launch your website. And the beauty of this content management system is that it requires almost no technical expertise. You just need to get a domain name and a web hosting account. From there, you can manage your website through the admin dashboard. This system has all the features that you need to customize your website based on your personal preferences.

3. Tons of Themes

Another great benefit of this content management system is that it offers tons of options for you to fine-tune the look of your new website. For example, you can choose from a lot of premium themes based on the type of website you manage. You can preview the themes live in order to make the best choice. Therefore, you can rest assured that the theme will match the content of your site.

4. Lots of Plugins

WordPress offers a lot of elements to allow the creation of a basic website. However, if you need specialized functions, you can check out the plugin directory offered by this content management system. Based on the specific tasks you want to perform, you can use any of the hundreds of plugins offered free of charge. Other amazing features include contact forms, galleries, and shopping carts.

5. WordPress websites Rank High

If you want to rank high on major search engines including Google, make sure your website a searchable. WordPress websites rank high on major search engines compared to other websites. The reason is that these websites get updated on a regular basis. You can use a lot of tools and plugins in order to optimize your website for search engines.
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1. Key word research. Key words are words or phrases that internet users type into search engines like Google. Do some research using the Google key word research tool. It is free. Find the key words that will best describe the content of your website.
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The old saying Build it, and they will come does not apply to websites. You may have made the most wonderful website, but without proper marketing or SEO, nobody will come. Perhaps you have some idea of what SEO is and you know it will make you appear in search engine result. But how does it do that?

If you are starting out and you want to make a free website, the best platform would be WordPress. There is that you need to pay for and there is that is free. The makers of WordPress suggest that you start with their free blog platform. Then, when you master the basics in posting articles, HTML, CSS and using meta tags and key words you can move on to the paid service. It takes a lot of invested time to learn to use WordPress, so go slow.

Aside from being free, the really great thing about WordPress is that Google loves it. The content of your WordPress website is crawled by Google. The free version of WordPress allows only limited tweaking of your website. You can only use template themes. When you go premium, you can upload your own theme designs and have a website name that does not have in the address. But that is still a long way off if you are still learning. Once you have managed to make the general form of your website with WordPress, learn to use SEO techniques.

It is never too early to practice SEO techniques. In fact, it is great that you use SEO techniques in the very beginning of your website creation. Websites that have been around before SEO have had to rewrite years of backlogged pages to update their content for search engine optimization. Starting a website with SEO technique already in practice will save you a lot of time editing and re-editing your web pages. You will also develop the habit of using keywords and meta tags every time you make a new post. This way the work will not accumulate. If you had to do it all at once, it can be a very tedious task.

Here are tips for SEO techniques for WordPress.

1. Key word research. Key words are words or phrases that internet users type into search engines like Google. Do some research using the Google key word research tool. It is free. Find the key words that will best describe the content of your website.

2. Open up your WordPress blog to Google. WordPress is a blog platform, but it is complex enough to look like a website and can function as a website and not just a blog. But since it is still a blog platform, Google needs permission to crawl though your website content. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks. Once you are there you can customize your WordPress to be searchable by Google.

3. Keep writing. Keep content fresh. This is how you make your website relevant for people to return to. Search engines are also more likely to find websites with more activity rather than those that are idle.

4. Make links. You want other WordPress blogs and other websites to link back to you. This increases your chances of being ranked by search engines and it also increases your traffic naturally. People who visit websites will often click on a link to other sites if it promises interest. If the link is recommended by outside websites, then that means more chances for visitors for your own website.

Now that you have the basic SEO principles, you need to adopt it to your WordPress blog. Make it a habit to consciously insert keywords into your content. This should be done in the very begging of the writing process. Your title should use the key word. You article content will use the key words in every paragraph. And your tags will use the key words. Keep it consistent. This is the proper way to make use of key words. But also remember not to over do it, because you might annoy your reader if the quality of your content fails from over used key words.

Learn to make links. Inserting links and sending links to other websites is a painful and boring task that will need a lot of patience. Be interested in other blogs and comment on their posts, they might like you and comment back. Commenting is a way to say to other websites that you exist! Every time you make a comment, you will always leave a link back to your own website. This is how you promote your own website in the blogs of other people. WordPress is really great for this because it automatically leaves your website address for you every time you comment on another blog.

Another way to increase links is by making friends with other website owners. You may be competitors but you can also be friends. That way you advertise their link on your website and they agree to do the same for you.
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So what are you waiting for? This is only a SNAPSHOT of what your site is capable of! Head over to Big Cheese Marketing dot com right this second (while it's still fresh in your mind) and let's get the ball rolling!
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Raise traffic Website by learning to do SEO

As a internet site owner, you likely want to ramp up traffic website rating which will end in more money for you and your affiliates. Below are a few tips that you will find significant in making sure that you get more traffic than you presently have. One of these is use of correct HTML structure. While it may seem pretty basic to many web-masters, it's still extraordinary what percentage of them have deserted the normal and very efficient way of guaranteeing their pages have the right HTML parts and tagging. In order for search engines to understand what your pages are all about and index them accordingly, critical tags shouldn't be left out. These include the use of the title tag, the meta tag description tag and the meta keywords tag. Many search engines will also focus on what is inside header tags and will rank your pages with what's contained there.

you can also ramp up traffic website rankings by submitting your URL to the massive 3 specifically Google, Yahoo and Live. While this updating occurs exercise patience as it might take weeks or months before your website can really be searchable on these search engines. Caution however is that often submitting your website may result in being banned. Remember also to have masses of content since engines love sites with heaps of content, particularly Google.

Another common strategy that is helping to raise traffic website is blogging. Initially used for online journaling, blogs are now used as many-making machines. Most sites are building their credibility by posting helpful info on relevant blogs to lure folks to go to their site. In addition,blogs have also appeared as effective techniques of building credibility which will finally increase traffic website. Many webmasters have learnt to generate tones of traffic through effective blog commenting. However if not done right,it could be a waste of time.

Among the most vital criteria engines use to determine a site ranking position, particularly Google, is through link popularity. Google tries to see how many different websites have a link back to your internet site. However, there's more. The quality of the link is considered more vital. So, to increase traffic website, you need to have relevant quality links from important internet sites. Otherwise, Google will ignore links, without regard for how many if they are irrelevant to your website theme. If as an example your website talks about stock investments, find sites related to investment and other money related sites and seek partnerships with them through link exchange.

To increase traffic web site, consider also posting to message forums. By offering recommendation and solutions to Problems, you will become and 'expert' in your subject or field and a link back to your site will definitely result in increase traffic. Try out a number of these ideas and you may be generating traffic to your website in virtually no time.
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