Truth For Our Babies

We are a group of parents who have lost babies where there have also been concerns about the standard of care from the medical teams looking after us within University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, including Royal Sussex County Hospital (Brighton), Worthing Hospital, St Richard's Hospital (Chichester) and Princess Royal Hospital (Haywards Heath). The group was formed in 2023.

We have joined together to be a force for positive change in maternity safety, for example sharing our children's stories more widely, supporting each other through complaints processes, hospital led Perinatal Mortality Review Tool reports, independent Maternity and Newborn Safety Investigations (MNSI) previously HSIB investigations, coroners inquests and medical negligence legal cases. We are also in discussions with local MPs to highlight the concerns we have seeing repeated failures and errors in care.

We completely understand how difficult this topic is, but we wanted to share what we are doing in case there are other parents in Sussex who have very sadly had a similar experience and want to share their stories to help effect positive change in maternity services and join us.  We aren't professionals and can't offer any advice but we are a group of mothers and fathers who support each other and are working so our children's legacies improve outcomes for other babies in our area in the future.

If you want to get in touch to share your story please email or fill in the form below and we can have a chat - there's no pressure to commit to anything. We also have a Facebook group which can be found here:

Thank you from all our current parents for reading this far.

Some of Our Babies Stories

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