2022 Coolminds Youth Summit Exhibition Artwork Recruitment | 2022 Coolminds 青年高峰會參展作品招募
The Coolminds team is now recruiting for YOUR artwork to be displayed in the upcoming Youth Summit Exhibition in August.  This year, our theme is CONNECTION - specifically, that of our connection with others and the connection between our body, mind and spirit.  As a 'By Youth, For Youth' project, we think young people themselves are the strongest catalyst in promoting youth mental health. To all the creatives, poets and dreamers - this is the chance for you to express yourself!

Each artist can submit maximum 3 pieces of artwork. Guidelines for each format, as well as our regulations and restrictions, are available in the Artwork Guideline on our Coolminds website: https://bit.ly/submissionguideline.  Please fill in the entry form below with your basic information and details of your artwork.  

Please complete this entry form by July 8th, 2022 (Friday, 23:59).
Physical art pieces can be dropped off between July 27-29, 2022 (Wednesday to Friday). (Location to be provided to successful participants.)

For any enquiries, please email hello@coolmindshk.com. Thank you!

Note: Information will be autosaved even if you have not completed the form.  Existing entries will not be cleared after leaving this website.  

Coolminds 團隊正為8月舉行的青年高峰會展覽招募參展作品。 今年高峰會的主題為「連繫」, 分別是與他人及與自己的身、心、靈的連繫。 作為一個以青年為本的項目,我們認為年青人就是推動青年精神健康的催化劑。 所有有創造力的詩人及有夢想的年青人,快來把握這次機會去展現你自己吧!

每位參展者可以遞交最多三份作品。 詳情如格式、規則及限制等等,可以到我們的網站上查看:https://bit.ly/參展作品提交指引。請在下列表格填寫你的基本資料及藝術品的詳細資料。

請於2022年7月8曰(星期五), 23:59 分前填妥以下表格。
實體作品可於2022年7月27日至29日(星期三至五)投遞,Coolminds 團隊會之後通知成功參展者投遞地址。


備註: 你所填妥的資料會自動儲存,已填妥的資料不會因關掉或離開網站而被清除。
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Privacy Policy Statement | 隱私政策
Coolminds is a joint project between Mind Mental Health Hong Kong Limited (Mind HK) and KELY Support Group (KELY). Mind HK and KELY pledge to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

Coolminds 凝心知友 是心聆精神健康香港有限公司(「香港心聆」)與啟勵扶青會(「啟勵」)共同策劃的項目。香港心聆及啟勵承諾會遵守個人資料(私隱)條例。

Mind HK's privacy policy | 香港心聆的隱私政策:https://www.mind.org.hk/privacypolicy/
KELY's privacy policy | 啟勵的隱私政策:https://kely.org/privacy-policy/
Full Name | 全名 *
Gender | 性別 *
Age | 年齡 *
Email | 電郵地址 *
Phone Number | 電話 *
Would you like your artwork to be recognised with an alias instead of your real name? | 你希望使用別名代替真名參展嗎? *
For privacy concerns, artists have the option to use an alias in place of their full name in the exhibition.  考慮到隱私問題,參展者可選擇以全名或別名去展示作品。
If yes, please provide your alias | 如需要, 請提供你的別名
Artist bio (optional) | 參展者的自我簡介 (如有)
Please use maximum 3-5 sentences in English and Traditional Chinese to introduce yourself. If you are unable to write in either language, please inform the Coolminds team who can support translation.  請用最多三至五句句子(英文及繁體中文)介紹你自己。如果你未能提供以上任何一種語言的描述,請通知 Coolminds 團隊,我們可代為翻譯。
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