Wisconsin All-Stars Player Application
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Player Information
Player First Name *
Please enter the player's first name.
Player Last Name *
Please enter the player's last name.
Player Middle Initial *
Please enter the player's middle name initial.
Player Date of Birth *
Please enter the player's date of birth (MM-DD-YY)
Home Phone Number *
Please enter a telephone contact number.
Home Street Address
Zip Code
E-mail *
Please enter a valid e-mail address.
Player Height
Player Weight
The positions I normally play are...
Awards or Honors
My overall goal as a player is...
What do you want to get out of this Wisconsin All-Stars opportunity?
Player Code of Conduct
It is the purpose and intent of the WISCONSIN ALL-STARS to create quality baseball learning and playing opportunities.
The following CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT is was created as an instrument to emphasize the values, principles and beliefs which are focal point to the foundation, structure and operation of the WISCONSIN ALL-STARS.

Player Safety
At the Wisconsin All-Stars, our player safety is our number one concern. The following information is gathered for our yearly journey to Cooperstown, New York.

Please feel free to contact Coach Burgert with any questions you may have via phone at 920-233-4305.
Player Major Illnesses / Physical Limitations
Medical Insurance Provider *
Medical Insurance Policy Number *
Name of Player's Medical Doctor *
Player's Medical Doctor Telephone Number *
Terms of Agreement
I, __________________________, the parent/guardian of the above named individual, who is a candidate for a position on the Wisconsin All-Stars team from the state of Wisconsin, hereby give my approval for his/her participation in any and all of the activities of said team during the current season. I assume all the risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities and transportation to and from the activities. I
further hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the Wisconsin All-Stars, the organizers, sponsors and supervisors, of any of them. In case of injury to my child, I hereby waive all claims against the organizers, sponsors, or any of the supervisors appointed by them. I likewise release from responsibility any person transporting my
child to or from the activities. I will furnish a certified copy of the birth certificate of the above named individual prior to acceptance onto the team. I understand that a secondary insurance policy is provided for my child upon payment of all required fees, and prior to
his\her involvement in any on-field activity in Cooperstown, NY.
I agree to the above terms. *
Parent / Guardian Digital Signature *
Please enter your full name in the field to register your digital signature
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