Terms of Agreement
I, __________________________, the parent/guardian of the above named individual, who is a candidate for a position on the Wisconsin All-Stars team from the state of Wisconsin, hereby give my approval for his/her participation in any and all of the activities of said team during the current season. I assume all the risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of the activities and transportation to and from the activities. I
further hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the Wisconsin All-Stars, the organizers, sponsors and supervisors, of any of them. In case of injury to my child, I hereby waive all claims against the organizers, sponsors, or any of the supervisors appointed by them. I likewise release from responsibility any person transporting my
child to or from the activities. I will furnish a certified copy of the birth certificate of the above named individual prior to acceptance onto the team. I understand that a secondary insurance policy is provided for my child upon payment of all required fees, and prior to
his\her involvement in any on-field activity in Cooperstown, NY.