New Hour EMERGE Application - Spring 2025 Class
Thank you for your interest in EMERGE (Empowering Methods for Effective Reentry, Growth and Engagement,) - New Hour's Advocacy and Leadership training program for formerly incarcerated women.  We welcome your application and someone will follow up with you once we've received your completed application.
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Email *
Full Name *
Street Address *
City *
State and Zip Code *
Date of Birth: (Format MM/DD/YYYY)
Valid Phone Number *
Alternate Number (where you can be reached or a message can be left)
Best time to reach you? *
What is the highest level of education you completed? *
Have you taken any training programs, or been to college? (For example, computers, cosmetology, cooking, etc)
Do you have any children? *
What is your main mode of transportation? *
Describe yourself:  (For example, are you outgoing, quiet, creative, organized, curious, a go-getter?)   *
Are you currently enrolled in other reentry, skill or self-development programs?  If so, please list. *
Have you ever wanted to change anything in your community? How would you go about changing it?     *
What are the most important issues that you would like to change in your life?  For example:  List some things you would like to stop doing or identify some areas you would like to try doing in your life. *
What are your immediate personal goals? (for example:  obtain your GED, driver's license, obtain employment, learn a new skill, etc).  Please be as specific as possible.   *
Have you ever been a leader?  How?  What was good about your experience?  What was hard about it?   *
What are your best qualities?  Please provide a thoughtful answer. *
What do you think are the most important qualities a leader needs? Please provide a thoughtful answer. *
What do you expect to get from the New Hour EMERGE program?   *
How did you hear about New Hour's EMERGE?   *
When did you return home?   *
Are you currently on parole or probation? *
EMERGE classes are held at our office space in Brentwood, Long Island, every Thursday from 10:30 am - 3pm for 12 weeks.  Will you be able to attend all of the classes? *
Do you have reliable access to a laptop or desktop computer? *
Is there anything else about yourself that you would like to share?
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