Planning for Kids/Youth Quran Classes at Dar-Ul-Iman Masjid in St. Charles
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With the Masjid construction coming to a close, we are planning for setting up kids/youth Qur'an learning classes at the masjid. If you are interested, we would appreciate you answering a few questions. This would help us plan better InshaAllah.

“Whoever teaches his/her child to recite the Qur’an will be raised up by Allah on the Day of Judgment shining like the full moon. His/her child will be asked to read.’ For every verse the child reads, Allah will raise the level of the parent until the child reaches the final verse that he/she can recite”.

(Majma’ al-Zawa’id, 7, 165,166).

Do you have young children that you would enroll in Qur'an learning classes at the masjid? *
If you answered yes to above question, could you please provide age(s) and Gender of kids that you intend to enroll?
What is the prior level of exposure of your kids to Quran? *
What would be your preferred day to bring kids to the masjid for these classes *
Would you be willing to pay a nominal fee to enroll kids to cover the costs of these classes? *
Would you be willing to volunteer to help with these classes?  *
If you are willing to volunteer, in what capacity (eg, teach, help with teaching, setting up, snacks, etc.).
Please provide us with with a way to contact you (name, and phone number, or email) *
Any suggestions that you would like to offer regarding planning this activity at the masjid.
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