Pinnacle Health Radio
Pinnacle Health Radio is a health and wellness radio station in Lagos, Nigeria, positioned towards providing up-to-date quality information, through educating and entertaining programmes, that enables the listeners make well informed choices that promotes a better quality of life.
Pinnacle Health Radio’s value proposition includes:
1. Providing an online platform to deliver quality health and well being contents.  
2. Providing access for health and wellness providers to reach a wide audience with their products.
3. Using the internet as a tool to help Africa attain the united nations sustainable development goal of ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages (Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good health and well-being)

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Location is not a barrier to host a program on Pinnacle health radio; if your application agree to our vision, you will be contacted on best way to host your program on air in respective of your location. Kindly fill the form below
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Address *
Phone number *
Are you a health professional? If yes (State your Field/Specialization): *
Name of show *
Genre (eg. chat show, music specific, news, comedy, drama etc) *
Give a description of the structure of your show & typical content that will be used in your show. *
How Do you intend to promote your show? *
Any additional information? *
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