Transportation Needs Assessment - Troup Strategy Center
The Troup Strategy Center is assessing the need for public transportation as it relates to workforce and employability.  The data gathered will be used help facilitate future initiatives to help remove barriers to employment.
Email *
Please select the option that describes you best. *
If you are employed, what organization do you currently work for?  If not employed simply indicated "N/A". *
If you are employed, are you working through a staffing agency? *
Which area of Troup County do you reside? *
What days of the week do you currently work or are willing to work? *
What shift do you currently work or are you seeking to work? *
Please select how many times in the past calendar year you had a hard time getting to work. *
Do you own a vehicle? *
If it were available, would you consider using public transportation or private ride share as an option for you getting to and from work? *
How much are you willing to pay each way for public transportation to and from work? *
How much are you willing to pay per day for a private ride share to and from work? *
If dependable transportation prevents you form working or getting to work regularly, how likely would you consider working for an organization that supplements transportation costs or provides a rideshare program that is payroll deductible? *
Not Likely
Very Likely
Please provide your thoughts on the pros and cons of public transportation and what potential issues there might be. *
Are there any other reasons / causes that contribute to your inability to be employed?  If not, "N/A". *
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