Cecilia Lunaparra for Berkeley City Council & Berkeley Tenant Protection and Right to Organize Act 3/9 Canvass RSVP form

Cecilia is running for City Council! District 7 deserves a bold leader who fully listens to the needs of our community and continues the radical history of Berkeley’s Southside neighborhood. Cecilia is that leader, but it will require all of us to take on the corporate special-interests that prevent progress in Berkeley. Join our 100% grassroots movement today!

11am @ the Unit 1 Courtyard (2650 Durant Ave)

We’re talking to District 7 voters and gathering signatures for the Berkeley Tenant Protection and Right to Organize Act!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Do you live in District 7? *
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Will you volunteer with Cecilia this Saturday at 11am? *
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