Millennium Customer Feedback
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1. How would you rate your level of satisfaction with Millennium?
Not Happy
Overall Service
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2. What are the TOP 3 services most important to you? (please choose only 3)
3. How do you feel about the following statements regarding Millennium?
Unsure/Not Applicable
Delivering material to Millennium is very easy for drivers
The staff is professional and easy to work with
Millennium helps educate my team and my customers
I understand how fees and rebates are applied for my material
I am confident that material is really being recycled
I use the online customer portal
The online portal provides all of the info I need
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4. What do you like about Millennium or our services?
5. What don't you like, or how do you think Millennium could improve our services?
6. Are there any recycling or other services you wish we provided that we don't?
7. Is there anything different you'd like to see in the Hauler Packages?
8. Do you have ideas for public education we could do, or have ideas for how we can better support your customer education needs?
If you would like to share your contact info, or if you'd like us to follow up, please enter below: (1) Name (2) Phone and/or Email
 Leave blank if you choose to remain anonymous!
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