2019 RKW Reader Survey (giveaway closed, but I'm still taking surveys!)
I value your opinion so much as we head into the new year. I'd love to hear more about how I can make this site better for you. Thank you for taking the time to take this survey!
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1. How long have you been reading my blog?
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2. What do you think about how often I post?
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3. How easy is it to search and find old posts of mine?
Super easy!
How the f*ck do I do that?
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4. What are your favorite posts to read about? Check all that apply
5. My personal infertility journey has come to an end, but I still plan on talking about it on the blog. What would you like to hear about? My personal thoughts and feelings? Answering questions you have? What topics would you like to see related to infertility?
6. I know donor egg topics are really popular requests, but I've been more hesitant to really delve into it mainly because half the time I'm still working through it myself and the other half I don't even think about it anymore. So besides that, what are some topics/issues you'd like to see me write more about on here? Marriage? Sex? Mental health? How to raise littles without losing your mind? Tell me!
7. Is there anything else you want me to know? Or any other feedback you'd like me to hear?
8. The survey itself is anonymous, but if you want to be entered in the giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card, leave me your first name and contact email here. Open to US and CA residents. I'll choose a winner on December 30th.
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