Sno Cone Machine Rentals
Before filling out this form be sure and check the calendar above to see if the sno cone machine is available when you need it.

All of the fields in this form are required. If you have any questions please call the Heart of Kansas office at 316-943-3446
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Pick Up Date *
Please enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Pick Up Time *
Return Date *
Please enter in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Return Time *
Church *
What HOKSBA church is sponsoring this event?
Contact Person *
Who is the contact person for this event?
Contact Phone Number *
What is the best phone number to reach the contact person?
Contact Email
What is the email address for the contact person?
Purchase Supplies *
We have syrup and cones available for an additional fee. Syrup is $8 per gallon. Cups are $8 for a box of 200. What Supplies will you need?
Checked Calendar *
Have you checked the calendar to make sure the sno cone machine is available on the dates you requested?
Payment *
Submitting this form holds your reservation for seven days. Please send in payment for your reservation to be confirmed. Do you understand that your payment must be received in order to confirm your reservation?
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This form was created inside of Heart of Kansas Southern Baptist Association.