Washington, Hamilton, Jefferson
Answer these questions after watching Crash Course US History episode 9 (Tuesday) and reading and discussing pages 257 to 261 in the big red book (Wednesday) and watching the History Channel video on Washington (Thursday).  The questions are not in chronological order.
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Alexander Hamilton envisioned a country with... (check all that apply) *
Thomas Jefferson envisioned a country with... (check all that apply) *
Which of the following statement(s) are true regarding the first presidential election (check all that apply). *
What is the name of the collection of writings that advocate for the ratification of The Constitution and the power it asks the stats to gives to a central government? *
Describe Alexander Hamilton's financial plan for the US. *
The nation's capital used to be in New York and Philadelphia but now it is in Washington DC, near Virginia, in the (then) south.  Why did it move? *
George Washington set precedents ("firsts" that last) during his presidency.  Which of the following was NOT one of those? *
Write some things that you remember about George Washington. *
Washington set up only three departments in his executive branch.  Which of the following was not one of the branches? *
What was the first change to the Constitution after it was ratified by the states? *
What are tariffs and what are their good and bad aspects? *
Lets see how good your trivia memory is... *
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