Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art / ArtWorks Gallery Internship Application
Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art offers internship opportunities throughout the academic year. Students monitor galleries to ensure safety and security and gain experience within all aspects of a contemporary art gallery.

ArtWorks Gallery offers internship opportunities throughout the academic year. Students monitor galleries to ensure safety and security and gain experience working with students in this student-run art space.

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First Name *
Last Name *
JMU Email: *
Student ID # *
Local Address *
Phone: *
Major/ Minor *
Year *
Graduation Date *
Name of faculty member who can provide a reference for you *
Are you interested in Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art or ArtWorks Gallery? *
Which credit would you like to fulfill with the internship? *
Are you interested in the following? (Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art)
Are you interested in the following? (ArtWorks Gallery)
Have you taken a class in museum studies, or have you worked with an artist, art space, museum, or gallery? *
If yes, where?
Please supply brief answers (100 - 200 words) to the following:
How would this internship opportunity help you advance your studies? *
What is the best art exhibition experience you have had? *
Please provide your availability. Add specific hours or hour ranges if applicable. Write N/A if not available.

Availability is a major factor for acceptance into the program.

Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art is open TUE-SAT from 11am-5pm; and First Fridays from 5-8pm; and some Sundays, 11am-5pm.

ArtWorks Gallery is open WED-THU, 2-4pm and FRI-SAT, 12-2pm and First Fridays from 5-8pm.

Monday *
Tuesday *
Wednesday *
Thursday *
Friday *
Saturday *
Sunday *
INTEREST (check all that apply) *
Thank you for your interest in interning at Duke Hall Gallery of Fine Art / ArtWorks Gallery!
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