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AI governance community & opportunities in Australia: Expressions of Interest
Complete this form to express interest in collaborating on opportunities for AI governance in Australia, and/or get connected with the AI governance community.
For more information, read the google doc
AI governance community & opportunities in Australia
I (Alexander Saeri) may use information you provide in this form to contact you and match you with opportunities.
You can opt in for me to share information you provide in this form with people I personally trust, for activities to help grow the community / manage opportunities.
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What is your name?
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What is your contact email?
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Provide a link to your LinkedIn profile or CV
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How would you like to be involved in AI Governance community in Australia?
Receive emails about AI governance in Australia
Join a Slack channel about AI governance in Australia
Lead or provide support to a project on AI governance in Australia
Fund a project on AI governance in Australia
What opportunity or opportunities are you interested in leading or supporting?
Read more here:
AI governance community & opportunities in Australia
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Please tell me anything else I should know about you, or any other comments.
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Can I share information you provide in this form with people I personally trust, for activities to help grow the community / manage opportunities?
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Yes, share information
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