Verse Gaming Internship: Graphic Design Application
This form is for applicants looking to submit for the graphic design internship opportunity.

This role is a virtual remote internship for Fall 2023, spanning from Oct 5th to Dec 15th. This role will put the selected applicant in a growth-stage start up atmosphere, where selected applicants will work directly alongside Verse's co-founders and staff.

This position is not a paid internship. Verse is seeking contributors looking to make an impact on the company and position themselves for more significant opportunities with Verse in the near future. Opportunities for performance-based compensation within this role may be offered.

Applicants should only apply if they are knowledgeable and serious about this role's responsibilities. Professional experience is not required but recommended. Please ensure to include your personal information for us to reach out after submission.

The Graphic Design intern will report to Verse's Chief Executive Officer and will serve as Verse's primary in-house designer. The intern will have an opportunity to develop their skills and build Verse's brand. Additionally, opportunities to contribute to Verse's UX / UI design is available.

Required Skills:
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Apple Keynote
Figma (not required)

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Please introduce yourself with relevant information. Where are you from? What year in school are you? Are you graduated?
What experience do you have as a graphic designer that you can call on in this role?
Do you follow Verse on all platforms?
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Describe your understanding of Verse's branding from what you have seen.
How did you come across Verse Gaming?
Which of these social platforms are you a user of ?
Which of these gaming platforms are you a user of?
Which of these sites do you like the design of their app?
Take a look at our competitors' social pages (they are listed in the question above). Write down 2 design strategies that our competitors utilize that you think are effective, and 2 strategies that our competitors use that are not effective.
What do you bring to the table that elevates Verse's ability to capture audiences and grow our userbase through your graphic design?
Do you personally know any team members, co-founders, investors, or advisors of Verse? If so, let us know who.
What is your contact information for us to get back to you? Email and / or phone number.
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