Registration Tent (4 total, 2 each shift)
• stationed at info tent in the park - seated
• provide general information about Green Fest Newark
• give directions, information about the activities
• distribute QR Codes for Scanning *
• collect email addresses - via form or tablet*
Vendor Floater (2 Total, 1 each shift)
• on their feet and mobile - aiding in supporting vendors. (2-4)
• Checking vendors in/ sharing their setup spots. (12-2)
Festival Floater(2 Total, 1 each shift)
• on their feet - circulating throughout the festival
• will relieve other volunteer roles as needed
• give directions, information about the activities and schedule for GFN to attendees
• distribute Qr Codes
Tree Giveaway Support (4 total, 2 each shift)
•Assist NJ Tree Foundation with their tree giveaway
• Must be able to lift 20+ lbs.
Swap Meet Support (4 total, 2 each shift)
•Assist X with the swap meet.
Zero waste Support (2 total, 1 each shift)
• Must overlook the composting/ waste system throughout the festival.
• Provide information on composting and composting services in the city.
Rental Equipment Support (2 total, 1 each shift)
•Ensure there are no damages to rental equipment
•Inform people the rental items must stay on festival grounds.
Production Support (4 total, 2 each shift)
• Assist in the set-up and/or breakdown of the festival
• Gathering NGT materials
• Assist in table, chair and tent breakdowns
• Assist in the giveaway
Marketing Support (2 total, 1 each shift)
• Assist with Community Engagement Coordinator in creating social media marketing videos.
After reading the role descriptions above, sign up for shifts at: