PHA-PHC employment application form
Public Health Association is seeking applications for the following positions, in anticipation of a donor-funded project, entitled “to enable the district health system to continue the basic PHC services during the COVID-19 outbreak response.”

These vacancies will be filled on a contract basis, with the maximum employment duration of three months. Eligible and interested candidates should fill this and attach their CVS, before 05:00 PM on 9th of August 2020. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. Selection and appointment of candidates will be subject to the provision of funding from the donor.
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Which job are you applying for? (You can apply for only one job at a time) *
What is your speciality? [For the specialist doctors] *
Which district are you applying for? [for the district coordinators]. *
What is your preferred duty shift? [For Medical Officers and Communication Assitannts] Note: Preferences will be considered while making duty rotas, however, the project manager can assign any shift, for smooth implementation of the project. *
What is your minimum salary expectation per month for the position you applied? [Number in thousands] *
If selected, would you be able to immediately join the job? *
Full name of the applicant *
Age of applicant (in years) *
Gender *
Your CNIC number *
Academic qualification *
What is your district of domicile? *
Current address (complete street address)? *
Write down your work experience in bullet points
Enlist your peer-reviewed publications/ reports here. [For doctors, coordinators, and managers]
What skills do you have, which the Public Health Association could utilise for the improvement of public health in the country?
For further coordination
Thank you very much for filling in your answers. If your profile fits our selection criteria, we will get in touch with you via email or a phone call. In lines below, please share your phone number for further coordination.
Mobile Number [Format: 923337777777] *
WhatsApp Number [Format: 923337777777] *
Email address *
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