Medical information Do you have any medical limitations that may affect your ability to volunteer? *
Your answer
Work history Please list your experience working with individuals with cognitive/physical disabilities: *
Your answer
Please tell us why you wish to volunteer or intern at Meghan's Place: *
Your answer
Please list any relevant skills and/or interests: *
Your answer
Please list any relevant certifications (e.g., CPR, first aid): *
Your answer
Photo release
I give Meghan’s Place permission to use my picture in any media coverage of the agency. This may include the monthly newsletter, social media, local media coverage, and other publications.
Reference #1 full name
Your answer
Reference #1 relationship to you
Your answer
Reference #1 phone number
Your answer
Reference #2 full name
Your answer
Reference #2 relationship to you
Your answer
Reference #2 phone number
Your answer
Background Check - Age 18 & older
If you above the age of 18, we require a background check. By checking the box below, you authorize Meghan's Place to complete a background check.
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