MAC Application 2024
The Membership Advisory Committee (MAC) is a student committee led by the GJCL 1st Vice President that discusses expanding membership throughout the JCL. MAC will actively communicate with local chapters statewide, specifically small and future chapters, to increase interactivity and proximity among all members. Additionally, MAC aims to foster friendships and develop new strategies to lead successful chapters. The duties of a MAC member include attending and participating in meetings once every two weeks. Rather you are new to the JCL or a long time member, this is a great way to get involved and have your ideas heard! Applications are due on Thursday, September 5th at 11:59pm. Results will be announced through email by Saturday, September 7th, at 10pm. If you have any questions, please reach out to 
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Email Address  *
Phone Number *
Name (First and Last) *
School/Chapter *
Grade *
Number of State Conventions attended: *
Number of National Conventions attended: *
What challenges, big or small, do you see in the GJCL? where are they most evident? 
Optional: Do you have any ideas to fix these issues? (word limit: 150)
How have you shown your dedication toward the JCL and what can you contribute to MAC? If you’re new to the JCL, what do you hope to gain from MAC? (word limit: 150)
How has the GJCL impacted you? Feel free to share any favorite stories or experiences. (word limit: 150)  *
Any additional information that you would like to share?
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