Tony Dolan Family Memorial - Ski for Cancer
Please complete the form to register for the 46th Annual Ski for Cancer at The Westline Inn on February 1st, 2025!
Email *
Participant Information
Each individual participant will need to fill out a registration form.
A team can include anywhere from one to 10 participants.
Team Name (if applicable)
Team Captain (if applicable)
Participant Name
Mailing Address (Street, City, State, Zip) *
Email Address & Phone Number
*Prizes will be awarded for the oldest/youngest participant*
Are you a cancer survivor?
T-Shirt Size
Please check the appropriate size.
Registration must be received by (1/17/25) with a minimum $25 donation to guarantee size
Important Information
Each participant who makes a minimum of $25 donation is eligible to receive a long sleeve t-shirt as long as supplies last. If you pre-register and turn in at least $25 by (1/17/25), we will order a shirt in your size to be picked up the day of the event. Additional donations can be turned in at the event. Shirts will be available at the event for purchase but they will be first come-first serve and will be limited in sizes and quantities.

Each participant MUST read and sign the following waiver.
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