"A Kind of Murder" by Hugh Pentecost
There are TWO questions for you to respond to.  For question 1, choose A, B, or C.  Then scroll down to answer question 2.
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Kaczegowicz- LA period *
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Pick one (A, B, or C) of the three quotes below to analyze for symbolism.  Symbolism is  using an object or a word to represent an idea.              
A.  Pentecost writes, "His undershirt was spattered with blood and he had produced a soiled handkerchief which he held to his nose" (57). What could the handkerchief symbolize?
B. Pentecost writes, "He carried one small, flimsy suitcase spattered with travel labels" (53). What might the suitcase symbolize?
C. Pentecost writes, "Somebody's fallen through the ice!" (57). What might the ice symbolize?
QUESTION 2:  What is the theme of the story?
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