Social Media Awareness January 25, 2020 Registration Form
This is the registration form for the Social Media Awareness Community Academy session on Saturday, January 25, 2020.   Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.  The session will be conducted 9:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.  Come learn about the most popular social media sites student are accessing, effective practices for monitoring your children's social media usage and when social media becomes a criminal matter.  Students will be on hand to share "insider tips" for parents and the Howard County Police Department (HCPD) will be on-hand to answer questions.  There will be separate sessions for elementary and secondary students to discuss what happens with establishing a "digital footprint" and how to manage situations such as bullying that may arise from social media.  
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Please specify your first and last name *
Please provide us with your email address *
Are you a parent or student registering? *
If a parent, will any of your children be attending the session? *
What are the name(s) of your children that will attend and please indicate if they are in elementary/middle/high school level ?
Select all of the school(s) your student(s) attend *
Is there any particular question you would like addressed at the session?  Please remember that questions cannot be answered regarding a particular situation with a student or school, so please generalize your question.
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