WSCP Private Music Lesson Program SPRING 2022 ONLINE FORM
This is an optional opportunity for Orchestra Members Grades 3-12, Band Members Grades 4-12 and Chorus Members Grade 6-12 enrolled in the Wayland Public School music program.  Private lessons are not required but are encouraged by the Wayland Fine Arts Department.

Lessons will take place in-person at one of the Wayland School Buildings.
Regardless of your start date, you will receive 14 lessons.

Students are entitled to one personal excused absence with 24-hour teacher notification.  In these instances, the lesson will be made up with the teacher.  Absences involving a major injury that affect the ability to play or a prolonged illness will be handled on an individual basis with the teacher and Program Coordinator.  The teachers are professionals and with advanced notice will try to accommodate student schedule changes as their schedule allows.

Please complete this online form.  Upon receipt, Bernadette Vanaria will coordinate a lesson time between the teacher and student. ALL payments must be paid online this year. Therefore, if a lesson is not able to be scheduled you will need to request a refund of the amount minus any UNIPAY fees.
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Email *
Student's First and Last Name
Student Grade in FALL 2021 *
School Currently Attending *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone # *
Student Cell Phone # (If applicable)
Instrument *
Preferred Teacher *
Preferred Day of Lesson ***Please Note: It is not always possible to accommodate the preferred lesson day due to teacher availability. *
Preferred location for lessons to take place. ***Please Note: It is not always possible to accommodate the preferred location due to space issues in the schools. *
Preferred Length of Lesson *
Please Pay Online at the follow link:
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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