DCSS Customer Satisfaction Survey V.2
Please help us serve you better!  

The Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES), Division of Child Support Services (DCSS), wants to hear from you. As a parent involved in the State’s IV-D child support program, please share your experience.
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Email *
Email address *
Case Number (Child Support Case) *
If your case number includes a dash do not include it (EX.12345678900)

First and Last Name *
Telephone Number (ex. xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
What is your preferred method of contact for DCSS to communicate with you: (select only one) *
Was it easy for you to access a DCSS staff member? (ex. Phone number for Customer Service or case manager was available; email was answered; able to contact DCSS by preferred contact method)
Were you treated with courtesy and respect? (ex. Staff were attentive, professional, and listened to concerns)
Did DCSS provide a fair process? (ex. Answers to questions were consistent, processes were explained clearly, expectations for timelines and next actions were provided?)
Did DCSS complete the necessary actions to address the reason for your contact? (ex. Did DCSS do what we said we would do? Returned calls, answered emails, performed necessary case action.)
Was DCSS responsive to your inquiry? (ex. All questions were answered timely and completely?)
Please tell us more about your experience.

Overall, DES has my best interests in mind.

Please explain why you answered yes or no.
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