Call for Proposals for ResearchDataQ Editorials
The ResearchDataQ Editorial Board (part of the ACRL Digital Scholarship Section) is seeking proposals for editorials that will be featured prominently on the ResearchDataQ website. We are seeking editorials that describe services, support, or related activities around research data at your institution. Topics could include:

-Collaborative data management/services (computing infrastructure, storage, software/code, etc.)
-Data ethics (privacy, ethical sharing, data ownership, data governance, data sovereignty, etc.)
-AI and data
-Data and instruction or tools built for instruction
-Data policies, including responses or practices that institutions have put in place to respond to the OSTP memo and other recent policies (e.g. NIH DMS policy)
-Secondary use of data: acquisitions of data, collection policies related to data
-FAIR data in practice
-Or anything else you want to share with the ResearchDataQ audience!

Proposals (up to 250 words) should clearly describe:

1. The services, support, or related activities you intend to address;
2. How you implemented this and/or what would be required to implement it elsewhere;
3. How this relates to relevant existing recommendations, policies, or standards (if applicable).

Please submit proposals by July 31st, 2024. We expect to notify authors of accepted proposals in mid August, and we will ask authors to expand accepted proposal topics into approximately 1000-1500 word editorials (ideally by late October, with the possibility to extend if needed). The editorials will be featured on the ResearchDataQ website on a rolling basis in late fall 2024.
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