INTAKE FORM: Dealer Community Impact & Customer Engagement Stories

The GST PR team is here to support you in sharing internally and externally how your dealership is impacting the local community and customers, and reaching significant milestones.

Acts of goodwill, vehicle or monetary donations, awards, and dealership and vehicles milestones are all examples of events that could garner positive media coverage. If viable, we will work with you to develop a unique public relations approach to share the story publicly within your local market, and internally with GST and TMNA.

Please share your story with us at least 2-4 weeks in advance of the event or announcement so our team has adequate time to support.

Examples of events that have captured local media attention: 

  • Local charity partnerships
  • Vehicle or monetary donations
  • Vehicle milestone ("million" mile Tundra)
  • Local high school/college partnerships
  • Food or toy drives
  • Holiday-centric acts of good will
  • Grand openings and anniversary milestones
  • Third party local, regional or national awards
  • Unique business/operations models that improve customer experience
  • Unique longtime customer stories/testimonials 
Fill out the below form and submit once complete. 
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Dealership: *
Main Contact: *
Cell: *
Email: *
Story/Event: *
Example: "Vehicle donation to community college"
Details: *
Example: “We’ve donated a brand new 2023 Corolla to our local community college to support their efforts in automotive training. There is an event next month to celebrate.”
Next Steps
The GST PR team will review your submission and be in touch within 1-2 business days to discuss next steps on how we may be able to support. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to or call Greg Brungardt at 832-589-9362.
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