Arcist Involvement Survey
  • Help us best serve the community by sharing your interests!
  • Find out more about the organization and our mission at
  • We keep your info secure and will never share it with third parties.
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Email *
Would you like to receive emails from us?
What should we call you?
How would you like to be addressed (e.g. in email correspondence)?
ZIP Code
What are you good at?
This could be your profession, one aspect of your work, a hobby you're especially passionate about, or anything else you feel you have expertise in.  Feel free to share as many examples and as much detail as you'd like.
Would you ever be interested in teaching others something about what you wrote above?
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What are some things you would like to learn more about?
Are you currently a student?
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What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?
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What days/times are you typically NOT available?
We would like to schedule meetings/classes at times that are the most convenient for everyone.  Let us know when you have existing recurring commitments so we can find the times that accommodate as many as possible.
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This form was created inside of Arcist Foundation. Report Abuse